I personally think she is a very tasteless/ruthless troll... edit: and I was right:
http://kotaku.com/#!5782029/this-woman-just-trolled-the-entire-internet Thunderfoot: "Is she a Poe (basically a satirical 'Christian'). I think so, but that the whole point of the Poe, its impossible to tell. If all I had seen of Pat Roberson and Jerry Falwell was their post 9/11 interview, I would have called them Poes too, and they are some of the most powerful and respected religious figures in the US (well Falwells dead, but you know what I mean).
Normally I don't post links to smaller channels, but in this case I think folks deserve it to see if you think she's real or not.
http://www.youtube.com/user/tamtampamela Like I say though. How could you tell that she's a fake, but Falwell and Roberson were not?
Sure her prayers to CAUSE this disaster will have been no more effective at causing it than other Christians prayers for it to be minimized.
But it was religion that allows her to first of all define thousands to tens of thousands of people dying in Japan as a good thing.
But her delusion in many ways is little different than the delusion that prayer will actually achieve something.
Meanwhile Japans been doing something useful with their time, something that will have doubtlessly saved thousands, if not tens of thousands of lives.
Japan is arguably the most technologically capable nation on Earth. The technology they have developed over the past hundred years or so will doubtless have saved thousands, if not tens of thousands of lives.
If you have money, but not the time to work out how to best deploy it, MSF, Doctors without Borders are a fairly reputable lot who will probably make your dollar go a long way in the right direction.
JiggaJonsonGah I posted this: http://videosift.com/video/At-least-there-s-ONE-person-happy-about-Japan-s-earthquake a mere 6 minutes after U posted that. Not a dupe in my mind but its up for debate.
Also that girl is NOT a troll, she's a psycho. Look at her other videos for proof.
EmptyFriendsays...I don't think anyone would call your submission a dupe, so don't worry about it. I don't suppose that girl has the last name Phelps? Seems like perfect westboro baptist material...
westyI cant listen to thunder foot the way he talks infureats me , to me it comes across as sum-one with moderate knowlage and intelligence talking in a way that they believe sounds clever but as a result ends up making them sound stupid.
there is an interview with him and dawkins i think it is and in it he comes across as sumone that feals like they have to assurt themselfs over the other person in a weard way , in a way that personaly i think sumone of interlect would not do as they would be comfortable in there interlect or knowlage and just let the other person come across as they do and not worry about there own projection .
ofcurse i could be compleaty wrong about this lol ! be intresting to see if other people percive it the sameway.
Non the less the general content he covers is normally alright. I guess thats what anoys me more , when u have a moron like venomfang presenting in a shit way u can simply not watch there video's safe in the knowlage that 99% of what he says is retarded and so you wont miss anything that would be of use.
Zonbieshe seems to have closed her account.
Opus_Moderandisays...If god is responsible for the earthquake and tsunami, why did he make them look like natural disasters instead of making them look like an act of god?
No Reason.
Myslingsays...Fresh off Kotaku, she apparently came clean just before closing her account.

We have been trolled
Boise_LibI pray that Dog will strike down every fundy (of all religions) at once. Takes care of overpopulation, wars, and many, many other wrongs of the world. Can you imagine the rational society we could build?
BoneRemakeGood joke, bad timing. in comedy TIMING IS EVERYTHING.
slips on banana peelDiscuss...
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