vlogbrothers - Thoughts About America From Glacier Nat. Park

This video contains a baby bison pooping, frustration at Donald Trump, and the phrase "God Damnit." So if you don't like that sort of thing, turn away now. -yt

Terrifyingly and depressingly, there's one more thing that soon won't be found in Glacier National Park....glaciers.

I love this country DESPITE the things we've built on it, not because of them.

I really need to get to that park one of these days....maybe when I don't have a paralyzed dog to care for.


There's nothing depressing about Glacier National Park. What's depressing is people like you that want to spread gloom. And you've never even been here? Please, do us a favor and stay away lol


Reading comprehension fail.

Way to respond to comments that nobody wrote.


There's nothing depressing about Glacier National Park. What's depressing is people like you that want to spread gloom. And you've never even been here? Please, do us a favor and stay away lol


High praise from a dude from Ireland living on the South Island of New Zealand. I know you've seen quite a bit of natures wonder.


Yeah, the cities are pretty cool, but this looks goddamn amazing.



You're defending the majesty of Montana by shitting on the majesty of California? You truly missed the point of this video.


There's nothing depressing about Glacier National Park. What's depressing is people like you that want to spread gloom. And you've never even been here? Please, do us a favor and stay away lol


Sock puppet.


There's nothing depressing about Glacier National Park. What's depressing is people like you that want to spread gloom. And you've never even been here? Please, do us a favor and stay away lol

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