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A day in the life of a sysadmin who needs to play halo more than he needs to keep the webserver up. Be gets funnier as it goes along.

If you've worked in IT, this is a must-watch.

NSFW due to a few minor language spots. Just over 10mins but worth every second!

HAHA this is great! I'm a network admin and I used to play Halo religiously. So much of the stuff in there actually happens. Except I would never dream of gaming at work. It would suck up all my bandwidth.


The main problem with working IT seems to be that you are so distracted all you can do in game is grief.

It's not like he could have done much more to help. The collision of the cardinal sins of nonrebootable box and taking tech advice from sales coupled with incompetent colo staff, pretty much makes for a sit around and wait for the worst situation.


This is like, dead-on what I used to do , except replace Halo with WoW. This should be screened to all would-be IT Ops people. If you can field 3 calls, reboot a webserver, and still rock the pwnage, IT may be for you.

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