The US Rich Getting Richer Than Ever - Moar Tax Cuts please!

Great monologue with some interesting charts that show how the middle class is disappearing, and the rich are getting richer than ever. I'm surprised G.E. hasn't pulled her in.

I wonder if they adjusted for inflation?

If you adjust those numbers for inflation, you might even see the earnings of the lower class go DOWN over the years.

The average inflation rate for the US since 1914 till now was 3.38%.

Strictly applying 3.38% to $38400 over 5 years would yield $45,344, which is a difference of -$3,644, which accounts to a 9.2% drop.

Adjusting $1.08m would yield $1.275m, which is a difference of approximately +$595,000, which accounts to a 46.7% increase.

Granted I don't have the raw data, so this is just conjecture, it is still interesting.


>> ^dag:

That the 10% plutocrats have managed to get the feeble minded (let's be honest) to vote for tax breaks for millionaires is an amazing hoodwinking.

those 10% plutocrats own a very large megaphone,they also have purchased PR to change the perception of the common person to further their own self-interest but i wont go as far to call these people "feeble-minded" but rather just victims of propaganda,which employs fear rhetoric to appeal or incite irrational emotions rather than a critical and reasoned conclusion based on facts.

i truly believe that if people were given the correct information they would make a reasonable decision but that is not what people are being given and while the information is out have to look for it and it seems many are STILL giving american news media authority to inform them, when for us it has become obvious that american journalism has failed at every level to critically question and report for many a year now.

interesting anecdote.
i was talking to a self=proclaimed "tea-partier" who was attempting to convince me of the evils of social security.she hit all the key talking points:"entitlement","non-sustainable" and how we have to either do away with it all together to reduce the deficit (which is a non-issue,SS has nothing to do with the deficit)or to "privatize" it (which is what wall street has wet dreams over).
the irony of this story is that SHE receives social security benefits!
my response was if she felt that strongly about the issue the next SS check she got she should tear up in protest.
she called me a satanist and a few other choice words and stormed off.
seems irony is lost on some people.

my point to all this is simply:would this woman have reacted the same way if she had all the pertinent information?


I was talking about these numbers with a friend the other day after I saw a post on boingboing on the same subject. I consider this friend to be pretty intelligent but he actually spat out the "70% of statistics are wrong" cliche. While I can't disagree that most statistics are bullshit, these numbers are pretty well founded. In my opinion those little cliche's that people use to feel comfortable about big problems will be the death of us. My own brother voted for Bush the second time around because he had to "vote his pocketbook". He was talking about the measly $300 tax refund that Bush gave out. People really fall for that shit.


If the left could loot the wealthy at a tax rate of 99%, how will this magical "extra" money pay for all the endless entitlements?

Didn't the failouts/scamulus prove the looters can't create jobs or stimulate anything?

>> ^dag:

That the 10% plutocrats have managed to get the feeble minded (let's be honest) to vote for tax breaks for millionaires is an amazing hoodwinking.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Maybe not - but is it fair that a single-mom waitress has to pay a 30% tax-rate on the meager tips she earns while the owner of the restaurant gets tax consideration that brings his personal income tax down to 10%?

How does that single-mom waitress feel about multi-billion dollar American corporations paying ABOSOLUTELY NO tax because they do their banking offshore.

The US has become a plutocracy of the golden rule - "he who has the gold, makes the rules"

>> ^bobknight33:

The rich don't owe you dick.
Get off you ass and earn it.


>> ^quantumushroom:

If the left could loot the wealthy at a tax rate of 99%, how will this magical "extra" money pay for all the endless entitlements?
Didn't the failouts/scamulus prove the looters can't create jobs or stimulate anything?
>> ^dag:
That the 10% plutocrats have managed to get the feeble minded (let's be honest) to vote for tax breaks for millionaires is an amazing hoodwinking.

Hey, QM, at the risk of breaking my "don't argue with an idiot" rule, why don't you actually try making a valid point? I know you're not as mind-bogglingly retarded as these comments would suggest, because I've seen you actually make at least seemingly witty/intelligent comments on videos provided they're not on political or social issues.

Regardless of what you believe, your constant stream of "witty" little portmanteaus (failouts, obamunists, obamanuats, odumba, etc.) really just come across as juvenile trolling. Hey, maybe that's what you're going for, but it's a shame since I think you could actually contribute something useful if you'd just grow up a bit.


Hey, QM, at the risk of breaking my "don't argue with an idiot" rule, why don't you actually try making a valid point?

Sorry you missed it. Here it is again: If the left could loot the wealthy at a tax rate of 99%, how will this magical "extra" money pay for all the endless entitlements?

You didn't break your rule because you have no argument. Thugverment (oh noes! one of those "clever" words!) can't create anything, it can only take from one group by force to give to another group, so it's very important to limit such dangerous power. While we're on the subject, it's a damned good idea to not demonize the creators of wealth, who have to foot the bill for the proudly indolent who think they are owed everything gratis. And the FIFTY PERCENT of Americans paying NO income tax.

Don't like "Odumbo"? I'll raise you "FAUX News". When Barry and Friends stop being radical left-wing marxists drunk with power, they won't be identified as such. Until then...


O.K., so I love Rachel Maddow (but not for her body - not dissing her body, of course). Hope my wife (whom I love totally and also for her body) doesn't get jealous! I also love the Young Turks, also not for their bodies!

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