The Three Stooges Official Trailer #1

Welp. Here it is...

I'm a Stooge fan. I own the chronologically released shorts on DVD and I've seen all thier shorts at least 3 or 4 times.

As far as the trailer goes, the Stooges themselves look and sound great. They really seem to have nailed the Stooges' mannerisms, voices, and style. The guy doing Larry Fine is a little taller and thinner than he should be, but for the most part in every other way they are a faithful re-creation of the classic characters. They nailed it. And what slapstick I saw sure looked like it had the punchy, zippy choreography that made the stooges so great when they were on thier game. Kudos.

I'm a bit nervous when I see nuns in slingshot thongs though, and women walking around with 6 inches of cleavage. The Stooges were certainly no strangers to spicing things up a bit and playing the wolf-hounds. But they kept the innuendo pretty subtle, and the pool nun was about as subtle as a crowbar. I liked how they kept Curly innocent though. "Is your hair different?". I sure hope they keep the boys innocent. I'd hate to see the movie become nothing but a scatological, sex humor cesspool. The Stooges should not go there. That's no thier thing. But it IS a Farrel movie, so (sadly) such pandering seems likely.


I think they should have kept the setting more contemporary.

The whole "cultural mainstays of yesteryear in modern fish out of water situations" is a comedic dead-horse to me. I mean, Snooky, reeeally? Fer fucks sake, Hollywood.


I think they should have kept the setting more contemporary. The whole "cultural mainstays of yesteryear in modern fish out of water situations" is a comedic dead-horse to me. I mean, Snooky, really?

I also sort of get annoyed when they take things from the past and stick them in a clearly 'current time' setting. My overall preference is for a movie to be designed in such a way as to be relatively 'timeless'. When you make a movie in such a way that it constantly spotlights a subject or idea from a very specific modern time period then it becomes VERY obvious and then the show becomes dated very quickly as time goes on. The end result is that a good movie that would have otherwise been a 'classic' ends up seeming very cheesy. I think the Stooges movie would have been better off avoiding that kind of thing. Just have the Stooges there, keep the setting vague and non-specific in terms of its period, and let the hijinks ensue.

That being said - I loved seeing Snookie get poked in the eyes... Give her a few triple-slaps while you're at it, Moe.


>> ^AnimalsForCrackers:

I think they should have kept the setting more contemporary.
The whole "cultural mainstays of yesteryear in modern fish out of water situations" is a comedic dead-horse to me. I mean, Snooky, reeeally? Fer fucks sake, Hollywood.
Looks like the setup is them being raised in the Sisters of Mercy Orphanage so "fish out of water" would make more sense, and could account for Curly's innocence (as WP mentioned).

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