The Most Amazing Rube Goldberg Machine O'All: Red Bull Kluge

Does it still count as a “machine” if it contains the bodies of dozens of the world's most famous extreme athletes? Better question: Who cares? (BuzzFeed)

YouTube Description:

Derived from the German adjective Klug (meaning "clever"), Red Bull Kluge combines complex machinery patched together with the energy and prowess of world-class athletes, to see what happens when physics gets physical.

I'd more call it a series of simpler Rube Goldberg machines connected by Red Bull-sponsored human athletes who trigger them. Not the best Rube Goldberg machines seen here on the sift, but that's not what this video is about.


>> ^brycewi19:

Sorry everybody, we need to start over because the ice pick failed.
Mr. MacCormac, back in the helicopter for you.

Yeah, but that's the problem, it's too disconnected. I don't for a second believe that if someone got their bit wrong they'd all start again. They'd just re-shoot that bit.


>> Does it still count as a “machine” if it contains the bodies of dozens of the world's most famous extreme athletes...

... and Rickie Fowler.

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