Why I Hate Composing E-mails

Every single time!

Okay, the punchline made me LMFAHS.

I'm very much like this guy in that I toil over every word I type in an email most of the time reading and rereading to hear how it might sound to the recipient and always trying to nail the exact appropriate tone, always worrying I'm not being clear enough or conveying the wrong sentiment.



people really spend this much time and energy while writing an email?
i mean..ill look over it for glaring misspellings and poor punctuation.
(which you may have guessed i miss often)

i never really considered that someone would struggle with their own expressive nature so much.

and you guys,both @lucky760 and @eric3579,are some of the nicest people i have conversed with online.

as for fretting how someone will receive your words.
you both need to stop.
its a waste of time and here is why:
the very tool you are using to imagine how someone will read your words is your own subjective understanding of that person.

in other words.
to derive the intent of a persons words by using anything OTHER than those actual words is presumption.

we all presume.it is a human trait,and we do so by using our own subjective understanding.

this is why a liar believes everybody lies.
or a cheater is certain everybody cheats.
thieves know everybody steals..
and so on.

you both are pretty genuine.
i bet that if i met you both in real life there would not be any major shocks.
eric would be a tad anxious and unsure.
lucky would be fairly reserved and deliberative (until he got comfortable and then WATCH out).

in my opinion neither of you should devote too much time worrying about such matters.
you both are some pretty genuine dudes who should not have to worry about perceptions of other people.
thats their problem..not yours.


somebody has diarrhea of words


people really spend this much time and energy while writing an email?
i mean..ill look over it for glaring misspellings and poor punctuation.
(which you may have guessed i miss often)


@enoch The whole "you have to stop" makes me think you don't really get the feeling that @eric3579 @lucky760 and other people who relate to this video have. It's similar to telling someone with an anxiety to just stop worrying. Doesn't really do anything.

I know you can just flow though words like whatever but for me (and I'm sure many other people) commenting can become draining. Also, some do take great care in their comments because they want their point to come across. That is another reason why grammar has become more and more important to me. Not looking for perfection but I do want people to understand me.

Please don't take this as a criticism of your commenting style. It's fine. Not all of us are like you though.


i thought about that after i wrote the comment.
i left it as is so at least eric and lucky would know i was a fan.

another side benefit,which is one i was alluding to,is you calling me out and pointing to how my suggestions may have no practical application when dealing with anxiety.

which lets them both know they aint alone.

that make sense?
seems i may have to join eric and lucky in the hot tub.so many of my comments lately have been totally misinterpreted.

has me second guessing myself.

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