Tesla Towing Silverado Truck Out Of A Charger Station

Tesla Supercharger De-ICEing Experiment. We see if a Model X could tow a Full Sized Pickup if it was blocking Supercharging Stations.

The Silverado is owned by a family member so no one's personal property was tampered with unknowingly. The Drive does not endorse towing or tampering with other's property.

Electric Car owners call it "being ICE'd"; a non-electric car with an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) pulls up to a charging station and parks there because (to them) it equates to an empty spot. For those driving EVs, these spaces are more akin to a gas pump than just another spot in a parking lot.


100% torque at 0rpm makes electric vehicles perfect for towing.

Be sure to deposit any charge station blocking vehicles you move at the proper drop off point on the nearest train tracks.


You're supposed to tow it sideways, with the rope wrapped over the roof at least once. ICE = Inbred Cocksucker Entertainment. Automotive version of InCells.


That seems a little harsh given the vast majority of the car owning public can’t afford a BEV.

Although parking in a charging station is definitely a dick move.


You're supposed to tow it sideways, with the rope wrapped over the roof at least once. ICE = Inbred Cocksucker Entertainment. Automotive version of InCells.


Sorry, I'm definitely only referring to the coal-rolling shitstains that have nothing better to do than passive-aggressively bully other people.

If you don't like electric vehicles, don't buy one.

Don't see anyone blocking diesel pumps.

Ps. I don't own or want an EV, and my Mustang definitely gets worse mileage than any diesel, by design. If someone looks down their nose at me, I'm not going to do shit to innocent bystanders just because I'm a whiny little bitch like the ICEing dicks.


That seems a little harsh given the vast majority of the car owning public can’t afford a BEV.

Although parking in a charging station is definitely a dick move.


I found the sentiment appropriate for any douche that blocks charging stations intentionally, diesel truck or Honda Civic.
I say treat them like people parking in handicapped parking spots...maybe don't shoot them like in Florida, but I have no problem with someone removing the offenders by any means they see fit, with any damage done being the parker's responsibility. I also would have no problem if the valves were removed from at least two tires, forcing them to be towed to a tire shop afterwards.
Use your car to be a dick, don't whine when you lose it or find it damaged.


Sorry, I'm definitely only referring to the coal-rolling shitstains that have nothing better to do than passive-aggressively bully other people.

If you don't like electric vehicles, don't buy one.

Don't see anyone blocking diesel pumps.

Ps. I don't own or want an EV, and my Mustang definitely gets worse mileage than any diesel, by design. If someone looks down their nose at me, I'm not going to do shit to innocent bystanders just because I'm a whiny little bitch like the ICEing dicks.


I know some states are taking aim at violators as in Washington and California. But if you are not sure about the laws in your state, I'm sure any towing company knows and would be happy to clear a spot your car.

Resist the urge to key the offending vehicle before having it towed as there may be cameras in the area. ; )


I say treat them like people parking in handicapped parking spots...maybe don't shoot them like in Florida, but I have no problem with someone removing the offenders by any means they see fit, with any damage done being the parker's responsibility. I also would have no problem if the valves were removed from at least two tires, forcing them to be towed to a tire shop afterwards.


To be sure, my suggestions are only aimed at those who can afford to pay for the consequences of their actions.


I know some states are taking aim at violators as in Washington and California. But if you are not sure about the laws in your state, I'm sure any towing company knows and would be happy to clear a spot your car.

Resist the urge to key the offending vehicle before having it towed as there may be cameras in the area. ; )


There are piles of people blocking oil pipelines though, equally and deliberately interfering with other peoples work and rights.

IMO they are pretty similar, although I have a pretty low opinion of both deliberate disruption to other people's lives. All I see is a minority of folks deciding because they have strong feelings on something they aught to trample on the rights of others. That's one of the things we have police to take care off and put an end to.


Sorry, I'm definitely only referring to the coal-rolling shitstains that have nothing better to do than passive-aggressively bully other people.

If you don't like electric vehicles, don't buy one.

Don't see anyone blocking diesel pumps.

Ps. I don't own or want an EV, and my Mustang definitely gets worse mileage than any diesel, by design. If someone looks down their nose at me, I'm not going to do shit to innocent bystanders just because I'm a whiny little bitch like the ICEing dicks.

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