'What does it feel like to fly over planet Earth?'
A time-lapse taken from the front of the International Space Station as it orbits our planet at night. This movie begins over the Pacific Ocean and continues over North and South America before entering daylight near Antarctica. Visible cities, countries and landmarks include (in order) Vancouver Island, Victoria, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, San Fransisco, Los Angeles. Phoenix. Multiple cities in Texas, New Mexico and Mexico. Mexico City, the Gulf of Mexico, the Yucatan Peninsula, Lightning in the Pacific Ocean, Guatemala, Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, and the Amazon. Also visible is the earths ionosphere (thin yellow line) and the stars of our galaxy. Raw data was downloaded from;
The Gateway To Astronaut Photography of Earth
"http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/sseop/mrf.htm ".
Virtualdub was used to create the final movie.
(via YouTube)
siftbotsays...A different thumbnail image for this video could not be found for findthumb request by EDD.
Those lightning storms were awesome.
siftbotsays...Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Sunday, September 18th, 2011 5:59am PDT - promote requested by Hive13.
heathensays...Incredible! My brain keeps trying to tell me I'm watching sci-fi, or a game trailer.
Watch it in 1080p if you can, definitely worth it.
Yogisays...>> ^heathen:
Incredible! My brain keeps trying to tell me I'm watching sci-fi, or a game trailer.
Watch it in 1080p if you can, definitely worth it.
Fuck that...try Original!
It amazes me that environmentalists are attacked as Crazy for wanting to save this planet. And don't give me that shit about the earth is strong and blah blah I mean OUR Habitat and our living on it, not the rocks themselves dick.
deathcowsays...i think we start out over California, then down the west coast of Mexico, right?
oh.. i see if you read the description it says
Science > Burning Bush
siftbotsays...Boosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by JiggaJonson.
Ferazelsays...While this is very beautiful, what bothers me about it is just how much the human plague has spread on the world. I really hope some sort of filtering was put on those images as those cities look very bright.
ulysses1904says...The description is a little confusing as they say they are listing the locations in order but the Amazon is way north of Chile, shouldn't be listed as last.
I had to watch this a dozen times before I figured out where everything is towards the end and I'm still not sure. The lake at :56 looks to be Titicaca by the shape (insert joke here) but what's confusing is that everything to the left of it looks as blue as ocean. But I can't find a lake on the Atlantic coast of South America with that shape, except for maybe Lagoa de Patos in the south of Brazil.
Any geography geeks here?
Spacedog79says...More of this sort of thing.
brycewi19says...>> ^Ferazel:
While this is very beautiful, what bothers me about it is just how much the human plague has spread on the world. I really hope some sort of filtering was put on those images as those cities look very bright.
The "human plague"? What are you, some sort of evil alien?
Or perhaps an ant with access to a keyboard. Oh wait, we have one of those already.
luxury_piesays...>> ^Ferazel:
While this is very beautiful, what bothers me about it is just how much the human plague has spread on the world. I really hope some sort of filtering was put on those images as those cities look very bright.
Less humans, less everything, including awesomeness. (also including rape )
garmachisays...I'm trying to figure out what the star cluster is that rises at 0:50
deathcowsays...>> ^Ferazel:
While this is very beautiful, what bothers me about it is just how much the human plague has spread on the world. I really hope some sort of filtering was put on those images as those cities look very bright.
I for one welcome our new human overlords!
mizilasays...Good to see Earth's force-field is running at full power.
You are correct sir! It's Titicaca. The blue looking area to the left is all rainforest free of the "human infestation".
Long, long time sift fan, first time poster. I don't know why I chose now to start.
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