Squadron of Canadairs is a formidable firefighting force

Here comes the calvary!

It's usually just water or coloured water. Sometimes it has foaming agents, wetting agents, and other fun chemicals mixed in which are toxic.


I'd be more concerned about the fish than the drops.


Not when they load from a lake like these do. Then it's whatever was near the surface.


It's usually just water or coloured water. Sometimes it has foaming agents, wetting agents, and other fun chemicals mixed in which are toxic.


I know bigger fire fighting planes do, but even little ones like these?! I had no idea they had miniaturized that equipment small enough.
At least this squadron appeared to be dropping pure water....and maybe a few fish.


They have tanks that can pump the chemicals or iron oxide into the holding tank.


Two water tanks, each holding 3,655 litres (810USgal) of water, are located roughly at the aircraft's centre of gravity. The tanks are located predominately below the floor in the hull, with each side having a header tank that rises into the fuselage compartment. Forward of each water header tank is a 340.5 litre (681 litre total) foam tank, enough foam for 20 drops. Typically, the foam tanks are filled with a short-term retardant that "gels" the water, allowing it to hang up in the forest canopy and delaying run-off when it reaches the ground. https://www.flightglobal.com/flight-test-bombardier-415-the-superscooper/88562.article


I know bigger fire fighting planes do, but even little ones like these?! I had no idea they had miniaturized that equipment small enough.
At least this squadron appeared to be dropping pure water....and maybe a few fish.

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