Robot Sheep Shearing.

This terrifying automated robot shears sheep while hunting Sarah Connor.

Inhumane bullshit!
A human can shear a sheep 10 times faster and without the trauma to the sheep that this would cause!

I expect more than a few sheep will die of heart attacks during this process.
Is this what they would call "natural selection?" Only the non-panicked sheep survive to procreate.


Actually, yes. If the sheep are allowed to breed as they will, then this will still be natural selection. And by natural selection, the sheep will build up a genetic resistance to the shock of the robo-shearing over time.
>> ^Sagemind:
Is this what they would call "natural selection?" Only the non-panicked sheep survive to procreate.


There are plenty of skilled shearers around the world, while the UK has a shortage due to Visa issues Aus and NZ have plenty. As for Sageminds comment on how he could sheer a sheep faster i would like to see that, and the sheep would not have a heart attack.
I dont think this machine would ever replace a human due to the fact it would take longer to strap it down then to shear the sheep. The machine worked quite well though apart from the un-natural position the sheep was in it was shorn very cleany, not many cuts and only a few tuffs of wool left


Sorry for "Spazzing" out, perhaps an over reaction to how people just think everything has to be mechanized. There is just something lost when we give ourselves over to machines. (other than taking the humanity out of it.) My brain does however react strongly to this.

I'm not sure how this is much different to the machines that milk the cows, or the system used to process eggs from chickens in mass factory/farms but a machine that manipulates a living creature like that somehow just seems wrong....

And No, I can't sheer a sheep, nor have I tried, nor have I ever needed to. I have seen it done a thousand times. There is an art to it, and in the end, I suppose it can be hard work if you have 1000s of sheep to do but... - "them poor sheep."

Anyone out there that "sheers sheep for a living"..., Give us "your" comments...


This is probably not in NZ. There, they have a very special, close relationship with their sheep which would likely call for a lot more hands on approach than we see here.


"A human can shear a sheep 10 times faster."

I predict a machine will never be able to out-calculate a human being! Oh, wait, am I too late? Does technology keep advancing, not simply stopping after I personally view a tech demo?


so you take a regular CNC machine, replace a chunk of metal w/ a sheep, replace a drillbit w/ a cutter and load up file 'sheep_trim_v3.txt'
it'll follow a pre-programmed contour and motions.
if your sheep is a bit fatter, tough luck

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