Rick Sanchez Rips Into Joe The Plumber

Today CNN's Rick Sanchez went after "War Corespondent" Joe (Samuel) the (not a) Plumber, and discussed what an asshat he is.

Hoo-boy. Bet it took two whole Kleenexes for the cameraman to wipe the spittle off the camera lens after that little commentary.

But Sanchez should have gone straight after the media mogul morons who hired Mr. Not Joe The Not Plumber to do some job that he was so completely unqualified and unsuited for, not the village idiot himself.


AHAHAHA!! That was epic.

@ Retroboy, sure he could have gone after the media moguls, but it was still "Joe" who decided to accept the offer. He should still be called out on it and Rick did a very good job.


Exactly, it's not like 'Joe' is some innocent that shouldn't be attacked for being a hateful, dimshit.

Absolutely yes those who put him into this friggen 'war correspondent' position should also be called out as well... but man, anyone with half an ounce of humility would say when asked to be a bloody WAR CORRESPONDENT "Um, thanks for the offer, but what the F*CK do I know about the war over there, thanks, but I'll pass"

"And stop calling me Joe"


Upvoted for his passion, and because I think Rick Sanchez is an interesting anchor, but that wasn't really a very convincing indictment of Joe the Plumber. More of a personal attack. He even made fun of his last name; that's not cool.

But there is no doubt that Joe the Plumber is an amazing tool for criticizing war reporting. Joe's argument starts out as a complaint about the media giving away tactical information, but I don't think that's an issue at all, especially not in the Gaza strip. At the end, though, he lets slip what his real beef is -- reporting about atrocities. Oh, yes, "war is hell" so stop making a big hoopla out of every school full of children destroyed or every prisoner forcibly raped.


M'eh - "Joe" is at least as qualified to be a 'journalist' as anyone at CNN, CBS, MSNBC, ABC, FOX, the AP, or any other news outlet nowadays. Pot, meet Kettle Mr. Sanchez. Sadly, gone are the days of journalists who will beat the pavement, do the grunt work, and give a fair unbiased report of events without editorializing (if indeed we ever really had such persons) or withholding facts they personally find inconvenient. We live in a day and age of advocacy journalism, and if Sanchez finds Joe's particular method of serving up news unpalatable then he can thank his entire profession for setting the table in a similar manner for 60+ years.


>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
M'eh - "Joe" is at least as qualified to be a 'journalist' as anyone at CNN, CBS, MSNBC, ABC, FOX, the AP, or any other news outlet nowadays.


One of the pre-req's of journalism is knowing how to fucking write and spell.

I agree that there are a lot of educated sell-outs in those media "institutions" but Joe the Plumber is little more than a fad that some fat-heads decided to capitalize on since their Sarah Palin gambit didn't pan out.


Makes you wonder if the idea behind shipping "Joe" off to report on war was to have him go, get blown the hell up, and then used as a martyr by the very neo-con asshats that planted him at that Obama rally in the first place.

You'd think after being exposed as a lying fool, Sam would have done everything he could to fade away into obscurity, but oh no, he's done everything he can to expand his 15 minutes of fame.

@DFT: Would that be the "Infamous" El Guapo?


Joe the wanna-be plumber is some dumbass dipshit who was unhappy that Obama told him that his business would be taxed slightly more (from 36% to 39%) for profit made exceeding $250,000. From Wikipedia:

"Republican candidate John McCain then called him "Joe the Plumber" during the third presidential debate on October 15, 2008. The McCain-Palin campaign and the media later applied "Joe the Plumber" as a metaphor for middle class Americans. Media background research soon revealed that he was not a licensed plumber and he owed taxes."


you could tell how well-thought-out joe's snubbing of war correspondents was, by the haste with which he agreed to become one.

and don't forget to spellcheck those reports, joe.
wouldn't want to mispronouncify anything, right?...


The quote of 'Joe the Plumber' is sadly lacking any real thought, or consideration of the subject. A 6th grader could have said it better. At least, we would all understand that the 6th grader hasnt been on this planet long enough to understand why their words are incorrect. Seems education and knowledge are not big concerns of 'Joe'.

I'm sure, many journalists can name friends and family who have gone to war zones and reported. And some know those who didnt come back alive. For 'Joe' to say, what he said, shows a distinct lack of wisdom. But then, he was a McCain lackey.

Thumbs up to Mr. Sanchez.


First, you can't blame anybody for taking a job that pays you to go visit a foreign country. I did.

Second, his job isn't to be a good reporter. That's not he job of any TV news reporters. Their only job is to make stories that people will watch so the broadcaster can sell time to advertisers. If people are watching him, then he's doing his job as expected.

So, it seems the fault is ours for expecting anything less.


Yup - the whole thing smacks of hypocrisy. Fake outrage from a guy that is just upset that some PLUMBER has the gall to go out and prove that the profession of 'journalist' today is nothing but a complete and utter joke. Joe the Plumber. Proving that any blue-collar ignoramous can do the so-called 'work' of being a journalist. All it takes is the ability to string together a sentence. Oh - and a bunch of prejudices and bias that you don't mind trying to pass off as 'news'.


wow, personal... as a scientist I see journalism as a close sister discipline; we each must hold ourselves to high ethical standards, and each operate towards the broad betterment of humanity at large.

"The basis of our government being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter" T.Jeff.


The problem being that newspapers (or 'the media' nowadays) has abdicated its objectivity - much like the scientific community abdicated its objectivity in regards to the whole global warming debate. In so doing it has become unworthy of trust and severely damaged its credibility. In time past the media was able to keep its mask of objectivity even if it really wasn't objective. Now the mask has not just slipped, it is completely off and what has been carefully hidden for years has become an in-your-face bias. When the media acts in such a manner it cannot be viewed as 'news' any longer. It has to be seen for what it is...



The problem with those whom say climate change is not taking place (besides the normal time frame and scale), simply choose to remain ignorant. They dont want to look at the hard evidence, as it would contradict their previous notions. I've looked at only a small chunk of the huge data out there. There is something to be said ot it. I wont tell you to believe me. Go look it up yourself.

Journalism is the same thing. Anyone with a high school diploma can write a few paragraphs. Anyone with a 6th grader education, can talk 'acceptably' enough for TV. Good journalism means to study the subject matter, and then filter out the bias and propaganda.

Both of these disciplines, assume, you do not take everything that is given to you, or metaphorically 'spoon feed' you. Get off your butt, and go study your subject.

You want to be a good scientists, go study Stephen Hawkins. You want to be a good Journalist, go study Anderson Cooper. You want to remain ignorant, go study Sarah Palin.

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