Media bias about the Israeli - Palestine conflict EXPOSED!

Why is the American (and Canadian) media so biased in the coverage of the Israeli - Palestine conflict?

So Jewish people are the ones blowing themselves up in foreign countries and intentionally killing civilians, while the Muslims are prosperous inventors and artisans? That's news to me.


From the video's description: "Why is the American (and Canadian) media so biased in the coverage of the Israeli - Palestine conflict?"

This video doesn't apply as much to Canada. There's some media bias up here, but not to the same degree and not for the same reasons.

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is owned and operated by the Canadian government. Since we don't heavily fund Israel (that I'm aware of), the lobbying pressure on our government would likely be less. Not sure if Canada's news should be lumped into the same broken and biased media engine as what's behind this. (Of course, this doesn't include the Canadians who watch American TV for their news.)

Upvote for an informative video.


^ I agree with Retroboy.

If there is some bias going on in Canada, it is not shown or discussed in this video making the description inaccurate.

I'm not saying that Canadian media is without bias altogether, but the CBC has offered some balanced reporting about this issue. An example of CBC's coverage of the present Palestine conflict is here:

(edited for grammar and clarity)


"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it" - Joseph Geobbels

This video advances the big lie put forward by the Palestinian partisans that their cause is an underdog. In truth, international media coverage constantly glosses and spins the atrocities committed by the Palestinian terrorist corps against the Jews and dissident Palestinians alike.

Organizations like Rueters, BBC, AFP, Al Jazeera are the worst of a bad lot. American news organizations are only marginally better. One could say that they at least try to maintain a facade of being "Fair and Balanced."

Is it any wonder that Israel is cognizant of this poisoned atmosphere, and devotes resources to attempt to combat it?

Read the posters and commenters here on VideoSift. They run about 50% Pally-koolaid drinkers, 40% ambivalent, and 10% Israel-supporting. This reflects the success of the Anti-Western, Pro-Palestinian propaganda machine rather than any truth on the ground

Seems like they are doing all right...


The power that the "extremists" want is the power that their "enemies" have:

The power and technology to be able to do whatever, to whomever.

Right now, that power lies with the US and "allies". Might is our right.

The fear is so great only because THEY KNOW ('they' meaning the ones in true "power", certainly not me unless you count the power of my sexy individualism) that these "extremists" could end up possessing "their stuff".

If the "extremists" were in charge, things would just even out in a different way, resistance would arise, and the battle would continue.

That's why the only way to stop this is give people opportunities to educate themselves and the tools to live their lives in peace... which is why the internet is so god damn important... perhaps the single most important thing besides soap.

Also, caring helps. And hugs. Forgive the quotes; I use them around nonsense words that have different meanings depending on your perspective.


>> ^vairetube:
That's why the only way to stop this is give people opportunities to educate themselves and the tools to live their lives in peace

I heartily endorse this comment. Education (and the type that is based on scientific principles) is the key to long-term resolution of major human conflict.


Just because one is wrong, doesn't mean the other one is right. They are both wrong.

>> ^Pprt:
So Jewish people are the ones blowing themselves up in foreign countries and intentionally killing civilians, while the Muslims are prosperous inventors and artisans? That's news to me.


Anyway you slice it, whether you think this video is crafty pro-Palestine propaganda or you think this video is exposing some awful Israeli truth, we (The US) simply shouldn't be paying one nickel to this conflict. *Fear interventionism.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'gaza, israel' to 'gaza, israel, israeli, palestinians, conflict, public relations, pr, media bias' - edited by kronosposeidon


I think its a bit more complicated than the video suggests - there is both pro-Israel and pro-palestinian bias in the U.S. media (probably more pro-israel though). The pro-israel bias may partly come from corporate and political elite interests, but I think its mostly telling Americans what they want to hear. Israel is white, relatively rich, and the victim of Arab terrorism. Kind of like us, right? Americans tend to identify with Israel, and this is strengthened by the fact that they partly share the same God with Christians, and it is a holy land for Christians.

So if you're a media organization looking to make some $, what do you do : portray Israel as a good guy or bad guy? Good guy obviously - since Americans identify with them, its like saying Americans are the good guys. Conversely, portraying Israel as the bad guys is interpreted by Americans as saying Americans are bad guys. That doesn't attract American viewers, meaning less $ for the media organizations.

Its not 100% pro-israel bias though - nothing is ever that simple. Taking the palestianians' side sometimes is also a viable strategy for making $. While Americans tend to identify with Israel because they are attacked by Arab terrorists, there is also an inherent human tendency to identify with the underdog. And its pretty obvious that palestianians, dressed in rags, are the underdogs compared to Israel with their tanks and fighter jets. The kind of David-versus goliath stuff sells well also. Doing a little of both pro-israel and pro-palestinian bias enhances the drama, which also attracts viewers.

We should keep in mind that the media is not one giant unified entity, but a bunch of different entities with their own agendas. Even within a single media entity there are different personalities and factions. What they all share though is a love for cash. Nothing is ever reported for the sake of "informing" people - it is SOLD for its entertainment value. If the palestian-israeli conflict were not entertaining to people, it would not be reported on.


>> ^dtmike07:
So if you're a media organization looking to make some $, what do you do : portray Israel as a good guy or bad guy?

Why does a news organization have to paint anybody as a good or bad guy at all? How about fact-based reporting and let the viewer make up his own mind.


>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
^What you are doing here is dehumanizing an entire culture to justify killing them. Muslim blood is just as red as your own.

Nice, putting words in someone's mouth when they're merely stating facts. You don't need to dehumanize Muslim suicide bombers, only animals do that kinda stuff and you don't need to justify killing them, they kinda kill themselves and others, with again, the whole suicide bomb thing. Someone may now feverishly claim I think all Muslims are terrorists....c'mon younglings...


It's impossible NOT to be biased. That's why freedom of the press is so important. Unbiased reporting would simply state facts, but then which facts? And how many?

How far back in time do we have to go to ensure all the relevant facts are presented?

Must all murder report include interviews with the family of the victim? What about the family of the killer and also those who were in proximity of the crime? How about the judge, what are his precedents? Of course, all this information would have to be presented in its entirety without edits so that the viewer can make up his/her mind.

The bottom line is that most people don't follow the news much. Several options are enough for the common man. Whomever wishes to investigate anything further just needs to open their internet browser.

If you live in a country with one news agency... you have the right to be worried.


>> ^CaptainPlanet420:
You don't need to dehumanize Muslim suicide bombers, only animals do that kinda stuff and you don't need to justify killing them, they kinda kill themselves and others, with again, the whole suicide bomb thing. Someone may now feverishly claim I think all Muslims are terrorists....c'mon younglings...

Wait.. I thought Hamas was using rockets and mortars and occasionally putting children into UN schools to be bomb targets human shields.

I didn't realize this whole thing was about animals and subhuman scum, which clearly all the people in Gaza must be. Oh, wait, you didn't say all of them, just the ones who die, who deserved to die anyways.


"Read the posters and commenters here on VideoSift. They run about 50% Pally-koolaid drinkers, 40% ambivalent, and 10% Israel-supporting."

Dude, your a real victim of propaganda yourself... I guess you'll see if your theories are correct when you get to your heaven.


>> ^srd:
Why does a news organization have to paint anybody as a good or bad guy at all? How about fact-based reporting and let the viewer make up his own mind.

Because most people watch TV news to be told what the right opinion is.


In my country (Sweden) the media bias of Hamas is about 80%. 90% of the journalists are socialists and for some* reason the love the fascist organisation of Hamas.
There is no reporting of missiles hitting Israel. No reporting of the warnings Israel gave Hamas and Hamas use of human shields. During the conflict Palestinian losses are reported as "humans dead" and Israeli losses "Israelis dead". Left wingers openly call for support of Iran ( a country that executes communists) and Hizbollah and Hamas.
So I experience the flipside of what the leftists on this site bitch about. It's not a constructive and rational solution obviously.

That said, the situation is hopeless for those Palestinians in Gaza that do not support Hamas and are trapped there. They've survived the cleansing of dissidents by that terror group only to be bombed by their enemies.

*what could that reason be? I wonder...


What the authorities fail to realize is that a criminal organization will act criminally until justice is served, lawfully. Acting above the law, will directly work against any case that the authorities have.

Terrorism is a crime, and soldiers should not be utilized to act against crime. That line has become blurred, soldiers are not bound by the same laws, that bind peace officers. Therefore they are not suited for that kind of job.

What we see here in Israel, is a complete failure to protect their peoples, Palestinian or Jewish, though lawful means. Instead they send kid soldiers out with weapons supplied by the United States, to do the lawful good. Which cannot be achieved with bullets.

Terrorism is a crime. But the more ultimate crime is failing to act with in lawful boundaries. As a peace officer, one should never resort to killing.

It all boils down to my dick is bigger than your dick, and escalation.

Id rather play videos games and cruise the sift.


For those who can read Dutch (hopefully someone will translate this book soon to English):

"They are just like people"
Amazing book by Joris Luyendijk. He writes about his time as reporter in the middle east, explaining why it is in principle not possible to write unbiased about the middle east. He doesnt talk about right or wrong in this conflict, simply about the incredible power of the Israeli marketing and the biasing power of the dictators on the other side. Follow the link, the reviewer explains it better then I ;-)


Did you see the kid doing the peace sign to the camera behind the reporter. Several of his brothers were killed just the other day, and he barely cares, what a wounderful situation to grow up in. Fuckin holy land my ass crust


"Israel is able to stifle free speech, Control our Congress, and even Dictate our foreign policy."
-Paul Findley, US Congressman 22 years

"I've never seen a President, I don't care who he is,stand up to Israel.
If the American people understood what a Grip these people have got on our government, they would Rise up in arms."
-Admiral Thomas Moorer, Joint Chiefs of Staff.

"Israel controls the United States Senate.
-Senator William Fullbright.


This may well be known to you - the thinking minority - but it is unfortunately not known/realized by the rest of the population. So please take your time, promote this and similar videos.

This has been going on for a long time, but since the end of the II. WW the forces of darkness are advancing at an alarming rate, covering up everything which is not in their interest.

Keep posting!!!


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