Luke's Change - Death Star Destruction Was an Inside Job

From YT: An examination of some questionable events and circumstances leading up to the destruction of the Death Star, through the eyes of an amateur investigative journalist within the Star Wars galaxy. The focus is mainly on the connections between the people who created and operated the Death Star and those responsible for destroying it.
For those who don't care for the obvious, this is a satirical spoof of the 9/11 truther video Loose Change.

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Star Wars' to 'Star Wars, death star, luke skywalker, darth vader, terrorists, inside job' - edited by kulpims


No mention at all of the doctoring of the video record of the Death Star Explosion.

Early video of the Death Star explosion showed no evidence of an explosive planar shock wave, or "Praxis Effect" emanating from the equator of the installation. This shock wave parralel to the equatorial trench is to be expected due to the rotational momentum of the massive artificial gravity devices employed by the installation at the equator. Yet no such Praxis shock wave is visible in the video created by the remote installation that first recorded the event.

Absence of the Praxis shock wave is only possible if the explosion occurred from several distributed points across the surface of the Installation, rather than from a single-point explosion at its center. The early video evidence is contrary to the results of the official investigation.

This early observation by skeptics becomes even more important due to the fact that this shock wave is 'clearly' visible in later released video. The video released following official investigation and engineering review of the incident. The official explanation that later came out in response to inquiries into this inconsistency are suspect. The panel of Imperial engineers claim that the effect was evident, though not apparent, and only became visible following restoration and enhancement of the video, as required for the investigation. This "enhancement", carried out prior to video re-release is suspicious, in and of itself, but the truely revealing factor is in the error made by those who would cover up the truth.

Inspection of the later video showing the Praxis shock wave shows a critical flaw: The angle of the planar shock wave is PERPENDICULAR to the equator of the Death Star. This is impossible and clearly reveals that the shock wave was later digitally added to the video as a cover-up!

You decide.


Ya know, I was on the fence before I read this. Yeah, there were some inconsistencies in the official version, but an inside job? It was just too "out there".

But now I realise how wrong I was. We have been lied to.

Well done, sir.




This video has already declared quality - ignoring quality request by Zawash.

I find meatbag Zawash to be an inadequate command-giver - ignoring all requests by Zawash.

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