Liberal Redneck: ‘I hate that son of b----‘ Donald Trump

The Daily News’ Hillbilly-in-Chief Trae Crowder isn’t mincing words anymore on Donald Trump (OK, fine, he’s never really been on the fence about the guy). Showing once again he’s “demonstrably unfit to lead,” Trump went after the family of Humayun Khan, a Gold Star recipient who was killed in 2004, after they said he’s never sacrificed anything. Trump responded by saying of course he has, he’s a businessman.

“That’s like telling a woman who’s had a double mastectomy that you feel her pain because you almost bought into the Hooters franchise once. At best, it’s tangentially related and also, you’re tone-deaf piece of s--t.”

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Liberal Redneck -- need to say more? nope

Trump will be always better than Clinton.

Yep Trump is a dick. not PC not by a long shot. Never apologizes even when wrong. Dickish you bet

But Hillary:
She colluded with the DNC to win. She cheated to win!
She had to cheat.

Then you add all her other baggage and the Clinton baggage.
No way will she make a good president. She is the establishment.

Yep Republican and Democrat establishment hate Trump. But their approval rating is in the shit so who cares what they think.

Americans want change from the norm and Trump happens to be it.


Only idiots want change for the sake of change.

You want change? Let ISIS take over. You'd have change you wouldn't believe. Or simpler still, nuke a major city. That would change it.

No, Americans don't want change, they want change FOR THE BETTER.

And that's not Trump.


Americans want change from the norm and Trump happens to be it.


Obama ran on HOPE and CHANGE and look what that brought.
Worse than Jimmy C.

What a train wreck, domestically and internationally.
And now he is listed as one of the the worst US President.

Dick heads like you voted for this man not because of experience but because he is black. ZERO experience! YEA that is a good enough reason.

Vote for Hillary because :
She is a Woman
She is a cheater ( DNC scandal)
She is married to a pedophile
She is too faced on woman's rights
She is part of the corrupt ruling elite
She has foreign policy experience- everything she touched went bad.

YEA that is a good enough reason.

So what change do you want? Clinton sound like more of the same. OBAMA and Clinton are not taking ISIS seriously TRUMP, as miss guides as his words are will be taking ISIS out.

NUKES? same shit was said about OBAMA when he was running. BS .


Only idiots want change for the sake of change.

You want change? Let ISIS take over. You'd have change you wouldn't believe. Or simpler still, nuke a major city. That would change it.

No, Americans don't want change, they want change FOR THE BETTER.

And that's not Trump.


Oh yeah? Where is this special "list"?

Obama's rating is in the low 50s, which is actually pretty damn high for an outgoing president. So, objectively, he's not even close to being "one of the worst" presidents.

Stop listening to Fox News or to your redneck dad or whoever the hell you get your "news" from. Try to actually use your brain and think.


And now he is listed as one of the the worst US President.


Oh yeah? Where is this special "list"?

Obama's rating is in the low 50s, which is actually pretty damn high for an outgoing president. So, objectively, he's not even close to being "one of the worst" presidents.

Stop listening to Fox News or to your redneck dad or whoever the hell you get your "news" from. Try to actually use your brain and think.

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