Kayaking Down the Worlds Largest Natural Water Slide

Occurred on May 20th, 2018 / California, USA

"Dane Jackson, a professional whitewater kayaker, slides down the largest natural waterslide in the world. Watch him fly 40 miles per hour down the steep natural slide, hit the bottom and go airborne all with style." -yt

I have a hard time imagining people successfully sliding down that on their butts. I think they're being a bit lose with the term "waterslide".
Still, awesome run and a *quality skip at the bottom.


FIRST thing I thought too. Spinal Injury. But, I guess if you don't do it you are only living a boring life.


I have a hard time imagining people successfully sliding down that on their butts.


I would guess those who did do it are now living a boring life in their wheelchairs....those few still living any life at all that is.


FIRST thing I thought too. Spinal Injury. But, I guess if you don't do it you are only living a boring life.

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