Judge Judy: Here's Who We Support With Our Tax Money

He's grateful for the money. GNOMESAYIN???

"Vermin" is easier to type than "parasite".

Judging by skin color is racist.
Judging by content of character is also racist?

What's left?

>> ^Boise_Lib:

The Nazi's called Jewish people rats, the Hutu called the Tutsi cockroaches (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_Genocide); and the wingnuts called anyone who disagreed with spending trillions to invade and occupy a country, which did not attack us, un-american and un-patriotic.
This guys not too bright, but calling people vermin crosses a line.
What's your definition of vermin? Anyone you dislike?


>> ^quantumushroom:

"Vermin" is easier to type than "parasite".
Judging by skin color is racist.
Judging by content of character is also racist?
What's left?
>> ^Boise_Lib:
The Nazi's called Jewish people rats, the Hutu called the Tutsi cockroaches (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_Genocide); and the wingnuts called anyone who disagreed with spending trillions to invade and occupy a country, which did not attack us, un-american and un-patriotic.
This guys not too bright, but calling people vermin crosses a line.
What's your definition of vermin? Anyone you dislike?

Why are you bringing up racism? Guilty conscience?


I feel guilty for all the people who bust their asses at work, then have their money seized and pissed away on shitbirds like this, so lefties can allay their manufactured guilt at events two centuries old.

Three years of "kollij" and GNOMESANE still can't speak proper English.

Be PROUD, Liberal. You made him.

>> ^Boise_Lib:

>> ^quantumushroom:
"Vermin" is easier to type than "parasite".
Judging by skin color is racist.
Judging by content of character is also racist?
What's left?
>> ^Boise_Lib:
The Nazi's called Jewish people rats, the Hutu called the Tutsi cockroaches (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_Genocide); and the wingnuts called anyone who disagreed with spending trillions to invade and occupy a country, which did not attack us, un-american and un-patriotic.
This guys not too bright, but calling people vermin crosses a line.
What's your definition of vermin? Anyone you dislike?

Why are you bringing up racism? Guilty conscience?


>> ^quantumushroom:

I feel guilty for all the people who bust their asses at work, then have their money seized and pissed away on shitbirds like this, so lefties can allay their manufactured guilt at events two centuries old.
Three years of "kollij" and GNOMESANE still can't speak proper English.
Be PROUD, Liberal. You made him.

>> ^Boise_Lib:
>> ^quantumushroom:
"Vermin" is easier to type than "parasite".
Judging by skin color is racist.
Judging by content of character is also racist?
What's left?
>> ^Boise_Lib:
The Nazi's called Jewish people rats, the Hutu called the Tutsi cockroaches (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_Genocide); and the wingnuts called anyone who disagreed with spending trillions to invade and occupy a country, which did not attack us, un-american and un-patriotic.
This guys not too bright, but calling people vermin crosses a line.
What's your definition of vermin? Anyone you dislike?

Why are you bringing up racism? Guilty conscience?

I notice you didn't answer my question. I believe that the Hutu and Tutsi belong to the same race. I said nothing about racism, yet you came back with a, "Wah, He called me a racist" defense. Typical wing-nut deflection.


A lot of low-wage minorities, who have now became the dominant group in US demographics, live this way.

Your typical Pennsylvania-born Anglo-Saxon American also has his/her own cheat system to avoid paying heavy taxes, as all would other ethnic groups have their own ways to solve their problems with the US government.

I've witnessed first hand how various people cheat the system. I roommated with several different ethnicities throughout my years living in NYC. Russians, Taiwaneses, Ecuadorians, etc. And seemed to me that each ethnicity had a different issue to be dealt with the US government, and thus each ethnic groups had a unique cheat system of their own.

From my Taiwanese roommate, I learned that you can manage to stay in the US past your visa renewal limit by constantly enrolling yourself to a language school or any school of sort. As long as you prove that you are a student, you will get a student visa for at least 2 years each time you enroll to a new school, but never actually graduate from any of them.

From few of the black customers I had back when I was working at a gym, I've learned that you can pay much cheaper insurance rate if your car is registered outside of New York State, preferably Florida. You'd contact one of your family members there and claim that you've lived in Miami for 1 year, forward the address to your relative's house, and register the car.

From a Malaysian girl I used to hit on, I learned that you receive free tuition plus government grants if you qualify as an independent on your tax form. All you have to do is prove that you've lived outside of your parent's house (but still within New York) and don't receive additional financial assistance for at least 1 year. She got the free government grants by changing her mailing address to her uncle's house, while never moving out from her parents house, no rent and all.

The list goes on and on and on.


using the v word, vermin does not cross a line.

what if people are literally living inside walls, and defecating in food sources?

If QM is using hate speech (which is banned) THEN PROVE IT.
comparing QM to Hitler doesn't mean shit.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'smirking, freeloading, vermin, judge judy, three years wasted' to 'smirking, freeloading, judge judy, fine example of humanity' - edited by marinara


>> ^quantumushroom:

I feel guilty for all the people who bust their asses at work, then have their money seized and pissed away on shitbirds like this, so lefties can allay their manufactured guilt at events two centuries old.
Three years of "kollij" and GNOMESANE still can't speak proper English.
Be PROUD, Liberal. You made him.

>> ^Boise_Lib:
>> ^quantumushroom:
"Vermin" is easier to type than "parasite".
Judging by skin color is racist.
Judging by content of character is also racist?
What's left?
>> ^Boise_Lib:
The Nazi's called Jewish people rats, the Hutu called the Tutsi cockroaches (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_Genocide); and the wingnuts called anyone who disagreed with spending trillions to invade and occupy a country, which did not attack us, un-american and un-patriotic.
This guys not too bright, but calling people vermin crosses a line.
What's your definition of vermin? Anyone you dislike?

Why are you bringing up racism? Guilty conscience?

Ya know what welfare also pays for? The old lady across town who is starving. The children who don't get breakfast in the mornings so they spend all day not being able to pay attention in class.

If you're against something you can find examples of it not working or working poorly, especially a large and complex system known as welfare. So I guess because someone is exploiting the system everyone who relies on that system should be tossed off it. Fuck them right?

You're a piece of shit QM.


Judge Judy's reasoning seems to be that a free-loader can't sue another free-loader, but isn't the woman right that she's liable for back-pay on the rent even if she didn't have the money to pay it at the time?


@legacy0100"All other ethnic groups would have their own ways to solve their problems with the US government... From my Taiwanese roommate, I learned that you can manage to stay in the US past your visa renewal limit..."

Sounds like something of a false symmetry. People from Taiwanese culture who overstay in the US so they can contribute to society doesn't seem on par with other cultures freeloading off of welfare or various methods of fraud to avoid payments into government revenue.


Listen yogi, you may not believe this, but I've observed your posts for some time now. While I'm loathe to label anyone with permanence, most of the time you act like a hothead and internet badass. I've seen you disrespect sifters who would probably agree with you they don't like me. I don't really know marinara and doubt he agrees with much of what I have to say, but he was kind enough to defend me against PC nonsense.

It's not my job to offer you an attitude adjustment, only suggest one. You can be passionate without being in ATTACK MODE at all times.

I have EVERY right to call out sh1tbirds like GNOMESANE. Race his nothing to do with it, especially on Judge Judy. Per legacy's post, people of ALL kinds game the system. GNOMESANE is hardly an exception. The clown has no concept of self-responsibility or wrongdoing.

The System itself is sh1t, it's morphed into something beyond control and accountability and it's bankrupting all of us. Do you understand that for every GNOMESANE, someone else who deserves help is denied?

This is the sift. Your attempts to make things personal are a waste of time.



>> ^Yogi:

>> ^quantumushroom:
I feel guilty for all the people who bust their asses at work, then have their money seized and pissed away on shitbirds like this, so lefties can allay their manufactured guilt at events two centuries old.
Three years of "kollij" and GNOMESANE still can't speak proper English.
Be PROUD, Liberal. You made him.

>> ^Boise_Lib:
>> ^quantumushroom:
"Vermin" is easier to type than "parasite".
Judging by skin color is racist.
Judging by content of character is also racist?
What's left?
>> ^Boise_Lib:
The Nazi's called Jewish people rats, the Hutu called the Tutsi cockroaches (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_Genocide); and the wingnuts called anyone who disagreed with spending trillions to invade and occupy a country, which did not attack us, un-american and un-patriotic.
This guys not too bright, but calling people vermin crosses a line.
What's your definition of vermin? Anyone you dislike?

Why are you bringing up racism? Guilty conscience?

Ya know what welfare also pays for? The old lady across town who is starving. The children who don't get breakfast in the mornings so they spend all day not being able to pay attention in class.
If you're against something you can find examples of it not working or working poorly, especially a large and complex system known as welfare. So I guess because someone is exploiting the system everyone who relies on that system should be tossed off it. Fuck them right?
You're a piece of shit QM.


Immigrants who overstay visas don't do it out a sense of altruism, to help our country. They do it to benefit illegally from the bounty of our society. In that sense, they are very much like welfare cheats.

>> ^chilaxe:
@legacy0100"All other ethnic groups would have their own ways to solve their problems with the US government... From my Taiwanese roommate, I learned that you can manage to stay in the US past your visa renewal limit..."
Sounds like something of a false symmetry. People from Taiwanese culture who overstay in the US so they can contribute to society doesn't seem on par with other cultures freeloading off of welfare or various methods of fraud to avoid payments into government revenue.


Listen moonbat, no one gives a fuck whether your lame questions were answered to your satisfaction, least of all me. liberalism is a mental disorder.

>> ^Boise_Lib:

>> ^quantumushroom:
I feel guilty for all the people who bust their asses at work, then have their money seized and pissed away on shitbirds like this, so lefties can allay their manufactured guilt at events two centuries old.
Three years of "kollij" and GNOMESANE still can't speak proper English.
Be PROUD, Liberal. You made him.

>> ^Boise_Lib:
>> ^quantumushroom:
"Vermin" is easier to type than "parasite".
Judging by skin color is racist.
Judging by content of character is also racist?
What's left?
>> ^Boise_Lib:
The Nazi's called Jewish people rats, the Hutu called the Tutsi cockroaches (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_Genocide); and the wingnuts called anyone who disagreed with spending trillions to invade and occupy a country, which did not attack us, un-american and un-patriotic.
This guys not too bright, but calling people vermin crosses a line.
What's your definition of vermin? Anyone you dislike?

Why are you bringing up racism? Guilty conscience?

I notice you didn't answer my question. I believe that the Hutu and Tutsi belong to the same race. I said nothing about racism, yet you came back with a, "Wah, He called me a racist" defense. Typical wing-nut deflection.


>> ^quantumushroom:

Listen moonbat, no one gives a fuck whether your lame questions were answered to your satisfaction, least of all me. liberalism is a mental disorder.

>> ^Boise_Lib:
>> ^quantumushroom:
I feel guilty for all the people who bust their asses at work, then have their money seized and pissed away on shitbirds like this, so lefties can allay their manufactured guilt at events two centuries old.
Three years of "kollij" and GNOMESANE still can't speak proper English.
Be PROUD, Liberal. You made him.

>> ^Boise_Lib:
>> ^quantumushroom:
"Vermin" is easier to type than "parasite".
Judging by skin color is racist.
Judging by content of character is also racist?
What's left?
>> ^Boise_Lib:
The Nazi's called Jewish people rats, the Hutu called the Tutsi cockroaches (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_Genocide); and the wingnuts called anyone who disagreed with spending trillions to invade and occupy a country, which did not attack us, un-american and un-patriotic.
This guys not too bright, but calling people vermin crosses a line.
What's your definition of vermin? Anyone you dislike?

Why are you bringing up racism? Guilty conscience?

I notice you didn't answer my question. I believe that the Hutu and Tutsi belong to the same race. I said nothing about racism, yet you came back with a, "Wah, He called me a racist" defense. Typical wing-nut deflection.

A Mental Disorder is definitely on display here. I leave to the readers to determine whose mentality is more disordered.


>> ^marinara:

using the v word, vermin does not cross a line.
what if people are literally living inside walls, and defecating in food sources?
If QM is using hate speech (which is banned) THEN PROVE IT.
comparing QM to Hitler doesn't mean shit.

I didn't accuse qm of either hate speech or racism. I just pointed out some similarity.


Right, their motivation is personal benefit, but the difference comes from that their "selfish" useful productivity contributes to society more than they take (the definition of prosociality), as opposed to being a drain on the economy like other sub-cultures.
>> ^longde:

Immigrants who overstay visas don't do it out a sense of altruism, to help our country. They do it to benefit illegally from the bounty of our society. In that sense, they are very much like welfare cheats.
>> ^chilaxe:
@legacy0100"All other ethnic groups would have their own ways to solve their problems with the US government... From my Taiwanese roommate, I learned that you can manage to stay in the US past your visa renewal limit..."
Sounds like something of a false symmetry. People from Taiwanese culture who overstay in the US so they can contribute to society doesn't seem on par with other cultures freeloading off of welfare or various methods of fraud to avoid payments into government revenue.


"I'm not saying you're a racist; I'm saying you're LIKE a racist."

It's generally felt that when we communicate a message, the message is more important than the wording, even if we claim to have "merely pointed out similarities." That's the standard Jon Stewart and the Sift community hold Fox News to when they try that defense.
>> ^Boise_Lib:

>> ^marinara:
using the v word, vermin does not cross a line.
what if people are literally living inside walls, and defecating in food sources?
If QM is using hate speech (which is banned) THEN PROVE IT.
comparing QM to Hitler doesn't mean shit.

I didn't accuse qm of either hate speech or racism. I just pointed out some similarity.


>> ^chilaxe:

"I'm not saying you're a racist; I'm saying you're LIKE a racist."
It's generally felt that when we communicate a message, the message is more important than the wording, even if we claim to have "merely pointed out similarities." That's the standard Jon Stewart and the Sift community hold Fox News to when they try that defense.
>> ^Boise_Lib:
>> ^marinara:
using the v word, vermin does not cross a line.
what if people are literally living inside walls, and defecating in food sources?
If QM is using hate speech (which is banned) THEN PROVE IT.
comparing QM to Hitler doesn't mean shit.

I didn't accuse qm of either hate speech or racism. I just pointed out some similarity.

Fox News...Not Racist but #1 with Racists!


Says you. I know Taiwanese immigrants, some of whom went to grad school with me and are very productive. I know others who are here illegally, making money by breaking the law. Same thing in Taiwan itself; there are hardworkers, shady folks, and yes lazy louts. Taiwanese/Taiwanese American culture is not inherently hardworking and meritocratic.

It's not the group its the individual; I thought you of all people might understand that.

Same thing with every low economic group in America. I know members of these groups who are hardworking, and others who are shady and lazy. No ethnic culture is inherently one way or another.

>> ^chilaxe:
Right, their motivation is personal benefit, but the difference comes from that their "selfish" useful productivity contributes to society more than they take (the definition of prosociality), as opposed to being a drain on the economy like other sub-cultures.
>> ^longde:
Immigrants who overstay visas don't do it out a sense of altruism, to help our country. They do it to benefit illegally from the bounty of our society. In that sense, they are very much like welfare cheats.
>> ^chilaxe:
@legacy0100"All other ethnic groups would have their own ways to solve their problems with the US government... From my Taiwanese roommate, I learned that you can manage to stay in the US past your visa renewal limit..."
Sounds like something of a false symmetry. People from Taiwanese culture who overstay in the US so they can contribute to society doesn't seem on par with other cultures freeloading off of welfare or various methods of fraud to avoid payments into government revenue.


Also, I'm curious. Do you have an objective measure for what group is a drain, or is that just some unjustified xenophobia? Have you measured the GDP of Taiwanese (and other groups) in america somehow? Cause I don't know how < 1% of the population outproduce the large groups you consider "drains".
Methinks you're talking out of your ass on this one. >> ^chilaxe:
Right, their motivation is personal benefit, but the difference comes from that their "selfish" useful productivity contributes to society more than they take (the definition of prosociality), as opposed to being a drain on the economy like other sub-cultures.
>> ^longde:
Immigrants who overstay visas don't do it out a sense of altruism, to help our country. They do it to benefit illegally from the bounty of our society. In that sense, they are very much like welfare cheats.
>> ^chilaxe:
@legacy0100"All other ethnic groups would have their own ways to solve their problems with the US government... From my Taiwanese roommate, I learned that you can manage to stay in the US past your visa renewal limit..."
Sounds like something of a false symmetry. People from Taiwanese culture who overstay in the US so they can contribute to society doesn't seem on par with other cultures freeloading off of welfare or various methods of fraud to avoid payments into government revenue.



1. "Is that just some unjustified xenophobia?"

Wait, since when is advocating immigration by people of Asian culture xenophobic? Isn't that the opposite? That seems like a big oversight.

2. "I know other [Taiwanese] who are here illegally, making money by breaking the law."

The normal rules when discussing statistics should probably apply: exceptions don't disprove averages.

3. "Do you have an objective measure?"

Here's data pointing to how much people of Asian American background contribute to US society vs. how much they cost US society relative to other sub-cultures (including people of white background):
1. Average income per capita by race.png
2. Average crime rates by race.png

It seems a reasonable conclusion would be that the more people of Asian culture we have, the better off we'd be, since they outperform the majority group even though they're a minority. If the cause is they have better personal culture on average, then we can create the best parts of that culture within ourselves.

4."Same thing with every low economic group in America. I know members of these groups who are hardworking..."

Yeah, it's good to note that we're only talking about averages. Middle-class members of low economic groups are welcome to dissociated themselves from the lower-class wings of their ethnicity, same as whites and asians do within their ethnicity. (For example, people of white background don't think rednecks have any relevance to them).


1. I didn't know you were advocating for an ethnical immigration policy. I thought you were for meritocracy. Sorry for the confusion.

2. I've been to Taiwan, and I don't think I want the average Taiwanese to immigrate to the States. That goes for any other country. I want the best and brightest from Taiwan and from Nigeria as well. That's my version of meritocracy.

3. Flawed flawed flawed reasoning. I don't know where to start:
a) this is broken down by race, a physical characteristic, not sub-culture,
b) I strongly disagree that income equals productivity.
c)I guess you could count crime as a "cost"; but it's not by a longshot the only one. BTW, those aren't crime rates, those are arrest rates. conviction rates would reflect crime; arrest rates reflect who the cops harrass more.
d) you start with race, and try to create some correlation with some nebulous undefined "culture", whose defining characteristic is that is it tied to race.
e) So, what should I do with this chart? Should I adjust my immigration policy, my hiring, and my school admissions policy? Again, seems to go against this pure meritocracy you're always crowing about.

>> ^chilaxe:
1. "Is that just some unjustified xenophobia?"
Wait, since when is advocating immigration by people of Asian culture xenophobic? Isn't that the opposite? That seems like a big oversight.
2. "I know other [Taiwanese] who are here illegally, making money by breaking the law."
The normal rules when discussing statistics should probably apply: exceptions don't disprove averages.
3. "Do you have an objective measure?"
Here's data pointing to how much people of Asian American background contribute to US society vs. how much they cost US society relative to other sub-cultures (including people of white background):
1. Average income per capita by race.png
2. Average crime rates by race.png
It seems a reasonable conclusion would be that the more people of Asian culture we have, the better off we'd be, since they outperform the majority group even though they're a minority. If the cause is they have better personal culture on average, then we can create the best parts of that culture within ourselves.
4."Same thing with every low economic group in America. I know members of these groups who are hardworking..."
Yeah, it's good to note that we're only talking about averages. Middle-class members of low economic groups are welcome to dissociated themselves from the lower-class wings of their ethnicity, same as whites and asians do within their ethnicity. (For example, people of white background don't think rednecks have any relevance to them).


"Do you have an objective measure?"
Here's data pointing to how much people of Asian American background contribute to US society vs. how much they cost US society relative to other sub-cultures (including people of white background):
1. Average income per capita by race.png
2. Average crime rates by race.png
It seems a reasonable conclusion would be that the more people of Asian culture we have, the better off we'd be, since they outperform the majority group even though they're a minority. If the cause is they have better personal culture on average, then we can create the best parts of that culture within ourselves.


This is racism masked in positive favoritism. I am of Asian descent and even I find this point ridiculous. Asian cultures certainly have their strong points, but we also have our problems as well. Asian countries have poverty, high rate of suicide, unsanitary conditions, drug problems, gang problems, etc etc etc.

Claiming that Taiwanese immigrants are better your country, when Taiwan itself is ridden with all sorts of social problems, is hypocritical.



#2a. Yeah, if the good of our society is important, awarding immigration slots based on who will likely contribute most to society seems reasonable. Yes, immigration slots given to Nigerians who will be great contributors to society is good.

#2b. Instead of assigning quotas to particular countries, would you be in favor of doing it as intelligently as possible, using customary scientific practices like anonimizing the data to remove any biases on the part of scientists, so that the slots are given to individuals who will contribute most to society, regardless of their country of origin?

#3. In response to:

a) this is broken down by race, a physical characteristic, not sub-culture,
b) I strongly disagree that income equals productivity.
c)I guess you could count crime as a "cost"; but it's not by a longshot the only one. BTW, those aren't crime rates, those are arrest rates. conviction rates would reflect crime; arrest rates reflect who the cops harrass more.
d) you start with race, and try to create some correlation with some nebulous undefined "culture", whose defining characteristic is that is it tied to race.
e) So, what should I do with this chart? Should I adjust my immigration policy, my hiring, and my school admissions policy? Again, seems to go against this pure meritocracy you're always crowing about.
a) Ethnicity correlates with sub-culture, but you can use whichever word you prefer.
b) Everybody wants more prosperity, even if you don't. They have bills to pay etc. Poverty isn't good, and causes many problems.
c) The US' high crime rates and high prison population (bankrupting states' budgets) are a substantial cost, and are reflective of other social trends (low education rates, etc). Arrest rates correlate with conviction rates.
d) See a).
e) Awarding immigration slots based on how much they'll contribute relative to costs they'll generate seems like a reasonable meritocratic policy. The best solution is awarding slots based on data about that individual, but absent that data, we can scientifically predict greater contributions from Asian Americans than from average Americans.


Let's all agree to disagree. I don't think we're about to convince one another anytime soon. Ideas and beliefs that a person has learned and witnessed in their own unique environment and life experiences can give you a very different opinion.

I for one have lived half my life in Korea and the current half in US. I used to think Americans were well mannered, sophisticated people back when I was growing up in Korea. After moving to America, I realized that Americans did in fact were well mannered and culturally sophisticated, but only in terms of western ideologies.

For Americans, Saying 'bless you' is nice, but turning your head away from guest when drinking alcohol is weird. Holding doors for other people is nice, but not giving up your subway seat when a middle aged person is standing is fine. English and German sounds distinctively different, but Korean and Japanese sounds the same. Not tipping your waiter is looked down upon, but not giving your close relatives' children large sums of money after visiting their house is perfectly fine.

Chilaxe may value certain traits over as an individual from another society with very different circumstance of living, and same could be said about longde. You both have lived different environments and different experiences. For some people, certain ethnic groups seem more desirable over the other, while for others, there isn't much difference as to where they're from. (*one society might value personable manners and public order over individual uniqueness and athletic prowess, and vice versa)

You are both absolutely correct from your stand point, and both wrong from each other's point of view at the same time. Accept it, and stop yourselves from becoming one of those people who starts flame wars over the internet with a complete stranger.


Look, for all our rabid disagreements, I generally like chilaxe. If I didn't, I would simply ignore him and his comments. I think there are alot of points were we strongly agree, but it's not fun to flame him on those points.

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