Jon Stewart lays into American history

For this segment alone, they need another Emmy, or some other award, because they deserve it.
It's rare that Stewart doubles down on reality and really pushes a literal message on the show, and when he chooses to, it's just beautiful, amazing, and shows the reality of what every human should be: educated, rational, and good-hearted.

Ifyou can't make the VA the beacon of light for healthcare how will Obama Care succeed? It can't. There is no problem that government can't make worse.

Sounds like the vets should keep their guns.


It's like you didn't understand the video, not surprisingly.

the point is that the care of veterans has been an ongoing issue since the founding of the nation. We send them off to war way too easily and tell them to fuck off when they return.

It's not a partisan issue.

In other words, there is nothing Obama could do that would satisfy the right, so you can just stop it with your "beacon of light" nonsense. Even if Obama totally embraced the rights policies in every step, (oh wait, that's what Obama/Romneycare is) you'd still manufacture a way to bitch.

You could have video evidence of Obama being born in Hawaii, the birthers would still whine or claim it was doctored.

In other words, we're not dealing with rational people here, so why should we cater to them?

Go back to school bob


Ifyou can't make the VA the beacon of light for healthcare how will Obama Care succeed? It can't. There is no problem that government can't make worse.

Sounds like the vets should keep their guns.


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