It might be this easy to accidentally start a house fire

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Solar magnification (an ants worst nightmare) silently singes carpet - lucky I was home.

That's pretty scary really. I have a bottle of water next to my bed all the time, and a house full of cats that could knock it over like this. This could just have saved me a huge amount of pain, heartache and money. Thanks.


So I suppose we'll now see another warning label on bottles that says "keep away from direct sunlight" because someone will have their house burn down from this and then sue them.


Happened to a neighbor of mine when I was a kid.
He had a vase of water in the windowsill and a roll of paper towels behind it. Luckily, I saw the smoke, and he only lost part of his kitchen.


>> ^ravioli:

see? another reason why plastic bottles are bad!!

Clear bottles filled with clear liquids are the problem here, not the materials.

Good thing that rug is plastic, though. It would probably continue to bubble and melt for hours without ever producing a flame.

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