Hyundai Canada Gives Parking Fail Victim A Surprise

That was kind of nice of them. Made for good publicity as well. I wonder what the make/model of the other victim car was.

Original fail:

Sorry to be redundant, but it's hard to overstate how brilliant a marketing move this was. Cost = 1 car, and then the video sharing networks will spread this like wildfire. And not to be completely cynical, it's also simply a nice gesture to this poor guy.


>> ^Pong:
Pretty clever publicity stunt by Hyundai. Get to capitalize on that viral video popularity and it only costs them one car.

Seriously, most commercials cost way more than that to make.

And a Transformers fan to boot... seemed kind of underwhelmed though. At the risk of spoiling their brilliant viral campaign (sorry), "Damn, I was hoping to move up from a Hyundai... wonder how much I can sell this for... oh wait, instant depreciation hit. Damn. ...."


To be fair, I'm not sure if I could process the fact that they just gave me a new car well enough to actually be as happy as I should. My reaction would likely be similar.

Great job Hyundai, this is what the world needs.

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