How to make an Angry American


Awesome video. Had Bush simply said "We are in a war against terror, tyranny and oppression" and used that for an excuse to oust Saddam, maybe people wouldn't be so pissed.
Instead it was lies. Yeah, we found some materials for chemical weapons, as well as rockets that had ranges exceeding limits set by the U.N., but no, no WMDs.


would it be ok for china to invade the u.s. 25 years form now because our oppression of blacks.? What % of our black population is imprisoned? Chomsky said " in the eyes of the international community Washington, DC is the terrorist capital of the wold". And on the issue of tyranny . Who has legal rights in these united states? Whites and those with money for the most part.

The only thing new is that the bushies lies are not done behind closed doors. They look you in the eyes and shit comes out of the mouth. Then they turn around and say " i never said that." Classic case of multiple personalities .

some say it may be a test of the peoples level of complacency. others say the lies are just the pre-fascist government confidence in its successful brainwashing of the american people, into intolerant, nationalistic right wingers.

Our only hope is for the young people to reject the corporations and their products, to insure that crimes like the U.S. rape of iraq will be prevented.

Stick it to the man by letting the bull go in one ear and out the other.



You are right. It's up to the young. Unfortunately, they refuse to put down their ipods and refrain from the incessant texting to do anything else. I see alot of complaining, but not much else. And, you can't really blame them because the democratic congress, who vowed to stop the war, are doing nothing. Back in my Libertarian days, I believed in a revolution every two hundred years. Perhaps we are overdue?


The House just passed a resolution for redeployment (or withdrawal) from Iraq by April 2008, which Bush will veto.

The Republican minority have successfully pushed all timetable war related amendments in the Senate to majority votes (60-40), and Bush has vowed to veto any that reach his desk. The last bill (Webb Amendment) that simply required that troops receive time away from combat equal to time serving in combat was sponsored by Jim Webb, a former Marine, and co-sponsored by every Senators with ground combat experience, including Republicans, and still missed the 60-40 majority required to send it off to the President. The Democrats are being stymied by Republicans who want to hear the end of the summer report on Iraq progress before doing anything.


I never said that Bush wasn't a liar. He is. And the last time I checked, you had to commit a crime to get in jail. It's not like the cops just said "I'm bored, lets put some blacks in jail today."

And if China was to invade the U.S., (1) We're fucked. And (2)I would hope that this "oppression" that you speak of was current. Yes, the U.S. oppressed blacks up until the 70's. (And yes, there still is racism in America, but it DOES go both ways. We invaded Iraq with oppression and torture of citizens going on current day. I know, because I've seen the torture chambers with fresh blood.


If china were to invade it would be fruitless, yes they have more soliders but they don't have the resources to move them the way the U.S. does. They have 5 times the army size we have over 3 times their ordinance. Last I checked, an artillery round can kill a lot more then one solider with an AK-47.


they don't have the resources to move them the way the U.S. does.

China can't mobilize in the least bit. They're surrounded by enemies who would get very nervous if they started to move soldiers by millions.


i am only sixteen. i dont really get my take on politics. someone says to me "are you republican or democrat?" i say, "im not sure, i'll vote for who i like better." i dont know if im a liberal or a conservative. those words mean nothing to me. i support the troops, not the war.

This man...George Bush and his cabinet...have for this generation and the next, ruined the presidential office. do you think that the next president will not be looked on through an ice cold eye? we have lost all confidence in those of the highest power. this video is the embodiment of what the american people think of their president. our president has the power to say whatever he wants and whos going to stop him? i had not known the full extent of the lies until now. this is terrible. how can they not know what they've been saying? do they know? has someone pointed out all the lies upon lies?

i am currently in a production of the play 1776. i am the courier, the boy who comes in with the messages. he is my favorite character, because he signifies, while congress sits and talks about freeing or not freeing slaves, or the question of our independence in bored voices, complaining about the heat and the flies, and fighting amongst themselves, the courier is the constant reminder that there is STILL A WAR GOING ON. after the south decides that they simply dont want to be part of the congress, the courier sticks around to talk, and sings a song about how his two best friends died on the battle field on the same day. no matter where the question of independence goes, people are still fighting and dying. its no different today. it doesnt matter whose lying or telling the truth or attacking america or holding WMDs. people are still out fighting and dying for america. they lie to restore confidence, and not to appear ignorant, but the people will always know. they try to cover their tracks and make the war seem feasible and welcome and necessary. meanwhile, friends and loved ones die on the battlefield. have they forgotten?

Is Anybody There? Does Anybody Care?


QM: Too long the mantra of "get over it" has worn too thin.

Get over a proven stolen election (which one?)..
Get over the massive corporate coagulation that has been allowed (AT&T, etc)
Get over the thousands of dead young Americans
Get over the tens of thousands of maimed and traumatized young soldiers
Get over the hundreds of thousands of dead innocent Iraqi civilians
Get over the 250,000 rounds of ammo used for EVERY insurgent killed in Iraq
Get over the millions of Iraqis who had to abandon their ancestral homes
Get over the hundreds of millions of dollars stolen by war contractors and oil men
Get over the billions of dollars of US Treasury wasted in the desert sands
Get over the priceless value of our liberties and Constitutional rights trampled upon by this gang of thieves and liars


Let's impeach Bush for the war and killing soldiers. Hell lets go back in time into our impeachment time traveling devices and impeach Lyndon B Johnson, and John Kennedy for Vietnam. Or lets impeach Clinton for what happen in Mogadishu. Even though that all the presidents I mentioned before were acting on the ideal to make it a better place for that country. Vietnam was tearing itself apart. Iraq had a dictator killing millions. And in Mogadishu we had people starving. You know those presidents that even though it wasn't our war we were trying to make a difference because we were the only ones who could. We should stand back and let a country tear itself apart. We should never help those in need. Let's listen to all the actors especially the genius of Sean Penn to tell us what to believe and follow. Because and I quote from Team America World Police, Sean Penn said "Last year I went to Iraq. Before Team America showed up, it was a happy place. They had flowery meadows and rainbow skies, and rivers made of chocolate, where the children danced and laughed and played with gumdrop smiles."

Yeah that is all. Here is how you make an angry American, by showing bullshit. This happened in the 30s,40s,50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and now, and guess what, it's probably going to keep happening as long as war exist. America is full of idealist and was founded by idealist. But whatever I guess we all forgot about American History. I mean QM did mention hippies. The hippies did say and act the same way against Johnson because of the Vietnam war. Just saying is all.


"Last year I went to Iraq. Before Team America showed up"

Dude.. ask any Iraqi which was better. Hell ask any foreign policy wonk that isn't a neocon, which is better. A secular Iraq or a soon to be extremist religious state torn apart by civil unrest. Just look at northeastern India or Pakistan (who have advanced armies and police states and stable economies) how fun it is.

The statement about Saddam killing millions is false, because in all instances it was condoned by the US and weapons (biological and other) were provided by the US, so it's kind of odd to be running around saying what a monster he was without first condemning the foreign policy that created it.

And just so you are up to speed with the rest of America, people want troops out of Iraq, which the Decider refuses to even think about. The impeachment has nothing to do with ending war. The impeachment issue is about "high crimes and misdemeanors".. which entail violation of FISA, other illegal domestic spying programs, misleading Congress with known false information, (in Cheney's case) disclosing the identity of an undercover CIA agent, violations of oath of office in particular perversion of DOJ regarding Congressional appointments, violations of PRA and using partisan email to conduct official govt business, using official govt meeting places and speakers to conduct campaign activities, such as Drug Czar (Surgeon General?) and DOJ to make visits to announce local federal program which just happen to coincide with campaign stops and speeches... Oh yeah, advising staff and WH chief legal counsel that they do not have to adhere to Congress subpoena power (it is absolute), refusing to testify to Congressional committee without stating a valid reason (like Fifth Amendment, executive privileged, Gonzo "i-cannot-remember" defense)... You can show up and say nothing, but you cannot refuse to show up. Likewise WH counsel cannot actively advise people not to adhere to subpoenas.

Trust me there is a ton more, but Munchound won't address or even hear what the rest of us have come to realize in this massive grab of power.


china cant now but give the 20 years. check again pigs do lock up blacks for crap charges,like the witness said it was a black dude well you know what the pigs grab the first black they see and he is as good as the guy who actuly did the crime because the idea is that black in the u.s. are not worthy of freedom. come on most people are scared of blacks . and you know what blacks are scared of some whites but ya the laws keep them locked up for a long time. are all the blacks in jail bad no 1 brakes the law and 40 get locked up. and whitey lives safely with no blacks near his nice white land. why is so much of the black poulation in jail


it just occurred to me: i wonder how we would react if some other country came in here and pulled a Saddam Hussein with Bush? my american studies teacher (who is an excellent teacher) stated something quite clearly once: japans advisors were hesitant to bomb pearl harbor, because one of them said "it may look like they're a country ready to fall apart, but the only thing that stops them fighting each other is fighting someone else."


Impeachment for high crimes? Yeah your examples of high crimes, are no better than the Nixon, Johnson, and Kennedy days. In fact lets not even discuss Truman and or Roosevelt for World War II. Or Clinton's administration with information on Al-Qaeda. Or let's not even dive into the world of probably the worst president Jimmy Carter. We might as well impeach all the presidents of the 20th century for high crimes as well. Especially Kennedy and that darn Bay of Pigs.


There's no way to "argue" with folks who discard all facts that don't fit their point of view.

Impeachment? Prove legal wrongdoing or STFU.

Dying liberties? Yeah, we've heard the bullhorn complaints...since 1776.

This is the real world. It will always fall waaaayy short of ideals of socialist utopian perfection.

I'm not trying to invalidate anyone's feelings; if you're lucky enough not to have to go "over there" you should be grateful. If you believe evil doesn't exist and therefore no soldier should ever have to fight, then you're merely ignorant.

As a conservative, I don't have the luxury of demanding a perfect world and expecting to get it, via high taxes or protests or lawsuits or more bureaucracy or anything else.

There are no solutions, only tradeoffs. Hopefully one day you'll learn this too.


>Or Clinton's administration with information on Al-Qaeda.
You mean the way they told Bush to keep an eye out for them, which Bush proceeded to NOT do?


>Especially Kennedy and that darn Bay of Pigs.
Um, that was set up by the previous administration - it was the last time Kennedy trusted his generals to run one of their plans to completion. They thought he would cave and send in US troops to support the invasion. They lied to him and said no more troops would be needed, while secretly hoping he would then send some anyway. His actions may have prevented World War III.

Try better examples.


im stunned every time i see an american claiming they know not why so many countries dislike them. Here's to hoping the US people get the government back they deserve, and soon.

As for iraq, it's going to be a bloodbath as soon as the troops leave.


Quantum.. as a conservative (yes, I'm a registered Republican) I have been appalled by this administration.. your just another one of the lame-ass pig-headed cronies spewing shit out of their mouth and ignoring the facts when presented with them.


Yikes!!! Peoples, the problem could be solved easily if the masses would see through the whole of the shebang: the 2 party illusion is the rub.....kill both, as Rotty suggests, we may be overdue....All for everyone clearing the collective head before any effective revolution-

step one is to kill yer TV for a week
step two, stop buying shit for a week
step three, after the week, watch the twirl for a week...

shut the door on Chinese imports for a month and watch millions in China die, because Americans did not shop Walmart for a week-you can follow the money, to the builders-up, and tearers-down, of men and nations....destroy the weevils before they infest the crops, or eat weevil-filled biscuits, and shut the fuck up!!!

ELECTION 08' "Next iteration of the carnival of the "me and mines".....


and the internet is an angrier beast, TV can't make you think you'r doing something... useful

I mean, are we ready to tear down the whole thing?
(shaving cream and deodorant are the first things that'll go...)


oh and have always maintained, that if it looks like shit, smells like the same, etc., it is...

Can we not all agree that regimes that affect the psyche of an entire country, (N.Korea, Iran) affect all the world? And that any regime fascist/socialist is by very nature a piece of unilateral dog-shit for her peoples?? Then why not utterly destroy by the roots the leader's grip on that nation for the sake of the future of her peoples?? Seems insane to me, that Kim Jung Il is allowed to breathe fucking air??? Shit, give me a missile and a window, and I'll take on the karma....the innocents caught in the crossfire, are developmentally disabled, unfortunately, for life. What is worse, is what it will all come down to.....making choices for the lesser of evils...

Iraq and Bush were a clusterfuck in the making for decades....Al Queda??? She would not be shit if not for the CIA.....wars could not be fought so wonderfully, if all nations did not take part in supplying Russia? France? Germany? etc.....yeah, white folks have fucked some shit up haven't they?? Destroy the ultra-wealthy, insulated, and hidden white few, and you may get somewhere??

We all know how this will end don't we....All the worse parts of the Bible, not because yer a Christian or not, but because humanity is as predictable as the fucking rain.


to QM et al: they lied. They said stuff that wasn't true, and they knew it wasn't true (or were totally negligent).

Either way, they are liars. You are allying yourself with rich liars, and making excuses for them. Nice work.

If all the presidents lied just as bad, then yes they should be all rounded up and held accountable.
What's the difficulty with that?

Some of us agree that force is a necessary option to keep in reserve, but we believe use of force should require a declaration of war, a justifiable reason, extreme provocation, and respect for human rights... that's all.

You don't go invading your oil-rich former allies on trumped up pretexts, smashing up their country, landing on aircraft carriers in front of photographers, paying private contractors literally sacks of cash, and calling it democracy. That's like a rule or something.


To anyone that says "it will be a blood bath to pull out"... WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK ITS LIKE NOW?!

To QM: "if you're lucky enough not to have to go "over there" you should be grateful." ... as we have said before, you MUST be over 17 by now, so PLEASE go see a recruiter. Any chickenhawks that spend time telling others about fighting over there and how great the war is should either STFU, get lost, or go enlist. Really, if you are going to repeat talking points like a mantra, go and do the right thing, support your troops and your mouth with your body (and put your body in Iraq).

You think us, sane people, over "here" are safer after 4 years of Bush incompetence and arrogance in Iraq? You think Afghanistan is going well? You think giving Pakistan millions is a good idea? You think our recent brilliance in Palestine has gone over well.

Face it, Bush is one guy you went to the bar with who is drunk, talking too loud, spilling his drink, and hitting on some dudes gf.. oh and it's a biker bar.


There are SO many Americans that have NO idea how this idiot in chief is dismantling our constitution. When he is through even we won't have a democracy.

Not that we need more proof but reinstate the draft then see how the right wing nuts feel about it. Because not everyone can be a draft dodger or get 5 deferments. (read bush and Cheney)


disclose and disarm Well Saddam didn't disclose what he didn't have so Bush invades his sovereign country. What an A$$. I hope others realize how sorry most of us are because of the $hit this monkey has pulled. We are far less safe because of his actions.
He claims she's not letting him finish, well he rambles on blubbering like an idiot just to keep her from asking more questions and making him look like the fool that he is. SHUT UP BUSH!PLEASE!


joedirt, it wasnt a bloodbath before the war in iraq, and it isnt now. Not by the levels that will happen when they leave. You have a country split down the middle, and leaving them to it will result in large scale massacres, not the handfuls being killed by bombs currently (although lets not pretend that's ok, either).

anyhow, i'd like to think it's true that arm dealing has caused these problems in so many countries but im not convinced. Men have always been good at killing each other (and religion usually rears its ugly head somewhere along the line), but in africa and jamaica they do a good line in using machetes to kill each other. Not sure that'll ever change.

the thing america overlooked was that saddam was very good at ruling with an iron fist, which is what kept these groups from killing each other. hopefully it'll improve over generations, otherwise it'll be anouther israel style never ending battle.



There are two maybe three possibilities for Iraq. The obvious one is permanent, endless occupation of Iraq, which leads to constant "state of war" and myraids of daily IEDs and plenty of people willing to cross the Atlantic to "return the favor". Endless nightmarish guerilla war and contant false flag operations to control the public which will have grown sick of the nonsense about when 2009 rolls around.

Choice number 2 is mini-Iran forms and you have one part of Iraq being Sunni, another being Shia, and Kurds probably all slaughtered. Most of the formerly Christian and Jewish Arabs are now left the country or laying in mass graves. Basically Iraq becomes a proxy was for dominance between Saudis, Iranians, and Turkey. Most likely Iraq becomes a major religious controlled theocracy and uses the "fake" democracy we taught them about to pretend to be a democracy. Look, you can't go in an put your own puppets into leadership and run a sham election to "show" a fledging democracy how it is supposed to work.

Anyways, Iraq right now IS a bloodbath. You can theorize that it will be worse, but it couldn't get much worse. There just aren't enough people left to kill. They are dying everyday, at the hands of insurgents, bombs, the army, the iraq army, the private contractors, the sectarian bloodbath..

We created this problem. It was nonsense to invade (just drop a bomb on Saddam if you wanted to overthrow him). It was nonsense to occupy. It is nonsense to continue to stay in the middle of a civil war. The US can NEVER solve this, especially the way they act in the region (Palestine, ignoring Saudi actions, paying the Pakistanis, paying the Taliban, overthrowing people they previously paid and supported)...

There is no "handful of killings" in Iraq. Go to the BBC or something and read a daily account of the scores of murders daily.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'cheney, bush, war, lying, caught' to 'cheney, bush, war, lying, caught, billy vegas show' - edited by xxovercastxx

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