How to have a very bad day

Step 1: Attempt to get out of your vehicle while it's going in reverse and accidentally run yourself over.
Step 2: Immediately afterward, have a friend lose control of their vehicle and run you over too!
Step 3: (OPTIONAL) Don't have health insurance.

Oh man, that must be the most hilarious video ive seen in a long long time, even though that man possibly got seriously injured. The green truck is like, screw you guys im going home and ripps off the left door just to make it a complete fail. I do wonder though how those trucks can accelerate so fast in reverse when theres nobody driving, the hill doesnt look that steep.


That was hilarious. The guy runs right past the dude on the ground, apparently concerned about the first truck while totally oblivious about the green truck which is biding its time planning not just an assassination, but the greatest getaway of all time.


>> ^Crunchy:

I do wonder though how those trucks can accelerate so fast in reverse when theres nobody driving, the hill doesnt look that steep.

It just looks like they're accelerating fast due to the low frame rate of the video.


I think what happens, sadly (though highly ironically,) is that the second guy leaves his truck and tries to save the first guy's truck but by mistake doesn't take his truck out of reverse/gear too so essentially the second accident is caused by the first, though it's still definitely a low-possibility freak occurrence...

What a day! I hope the man is okay.



Ha. I think it's good, though, to think and talk about intelligence and its role in the world. People should be motivated to move themselves into the smart fraction.

Actually, that seems like a good description of how to increase our intelligence. People who sweep it under the rug within their own thoughts just end up less intelligent.


Intelligence is relative. There will always be "smart" people who think less intelligent people are "stupid" and should improve themselves. It doesn't matter how much smarter they get, they'll always be stupider than the smart ones, so it's a vain effort on their part. (A smart cookie like you should be able to figure that out.)

Further, today's population is much, much more intelligent than, say, 100 years ago, but we're just as upset about how things are run, so what difference does it make? I doubt it's within human intellectual capacity to make good collective decisions for the future.>> ^chilaxe:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since August 23rd, 2006" class="profilelink">messenger
Ha. I think it's good, though, to think and talk about intelligence and its role in the world. People should be motivated to move themselves into the smart fraction.
Actually, that seems like a good description of how to increase our intelligence. People who sweep it under the rug within their own thoughts just end up less intelligent.



If people have different definitions of things, public discussion of the different definitions seems to be fair game.

Yeah, making good collective decisions seems problematic, but making good personal decisions works, and that's why I watch the Greed is Good video often

I think the difference between being intelligent today and 100 years ago is that the internet allows smart people to become much smarter relative to non-smart people than was possible 100 years ago. Also, maybe in a few decades being rich will give people access to biotech innovations like increased lifespans, so I think there's a better argument than ever before for building our personal human capital.



I think public discussions of different definitions of things is a very smart thing to do.

I don't agree that encouraging the underrepresentation of your socio-economic group is a good personal
decision. Not speaking English for 10 minutes after living in the country 20 years is nothing. Giving a speech to a senate hearing in Spanish is something.

I don't think living longer is the answer to happiness. The unhealthiest people on earth today are living longer than the healthiest people 200 years ago. Are we happier? Are we more successful? Should we be comparing success with the past?


They got out of the truck a bunch of times before it started. I wonder if something got wedged underneath his gas pedal and that's why he was standing besides the truck and leaning down.

I know when you've spent the day working and people collect all the bottled water and gatorade they end up in the pickup truck with half of them loose if you can't find a garbage can....they make great brake and gas pedal wedges.


In reply to this comment by messenger:
I don't think living longer is the answer to happiness. The unhealthiest people on earth today are living longer than the healthiest people 200 years ago. Are we happier? Are we more successful? Should we be comparing success with the past?

Society can do whatever it wants, but my personal sense is that life and consciousness are good and contributing to the world through increasing our personal intelligence is good.


>> ^chilaxe:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since August 23rd, 2006" class="profilelink">messenger
If people have different definitions of things, public discussion of the different definitions seems to be fair game.
Yeah, making good collective decisions seems problematic, but making good personal decisions works, and that's why I watch the Greed is Good video often
I think the difference between being intelligent today and 100 years ago is that the internet allows smart people to become much smarter relative to non-smart people than was possible 100 years ago. Also, maybe in a few decades being rich will give people access to biotech innovations like increased lifespans, so I think there's a better argument than ever before for building our personal human capital.

Don't equate rich and smart though.

Paris Hilton....


Does happiness factor in to "success" for you? For me, it's the main (only?) measure.>> ^chilaxe:

In reply to this comment by messenger:
@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since April 27th, 2007" class="profilelink">chilaxe
I don't think living longer is the answer to happiness. The unhealthiest people on earth today are living longer than the healthiest people 200 years ago. Are we happier? Are we more successful? Should we be comparing success with the past?

Society can do whatever it wants, but my personal sense is that life and consciousness are good and contributing to the world through increasing our personal intelligence is good.

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