How Seattle Gets Buses Uphill in Snow

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This is on Union and 21st on 1/18/12. Apparently, this is the city's solution to the steep, slick incline on the bus route and not a one-time occurrence. They were doing this over and over.

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What else are they supposed to do ? How often does it snow like that in seattle I wonder ? sometimes but not very often, if its anything like Vancouver then this is a sufficient solution.


They salt steep slick hills around here by backing up them and turning their salter on high, so they can use the grit for traction and have it melt through the snow as they back their way up. I thought this was a little dangerous since you might be backing up when a dumby starts trying to come down it....but it's what they gotta do.

This video seems like a bad accident waiting to happen, since tow truck probably can't see anything during this whole push.


Yah, this looks wildly dangerous to me. If something comes out in front of the bus the driver might as well resign himself to hitting it as clearly hitting his brakes will have no effect.


>> ^zeoverlord:

Where i live there is snow for at least 4-5 months a year and buses get up steep hills just fine.
It could be because we put actual snow tires on them.

Which makes lots of sense when it snows for 4-5 months a year. If it snows for 2-3 days a year, snow tires are a waste of time and money.

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