How Fox News has shifted its coronavirus rhetoric


yeah. it's a blast when it's just talk and no consequences. it was just fun for them, now it's not. how sad for them.

there are predictions that this virus could last into the spring of next year. combine it w/the next flu season this fall and Fox just might have to carry on this tone for over a year.

from anger, venom, and spittle to careful, thoughtful, and measured words? geez. what a loss.


Fox News is the news outlet for idiots for the most part, they have a few decent people, but the networks "stars" Hannity, Ingram, Tucker, JJ are bottom of the barrel morons...


Fox news viewers are less informed than those who watch nothing. That's not true of CNN, MSNBC, or any non right wing propaganda might be true of OAN.


Even with all this crap still better than CNN,MSNBC and all oter fake news machines.


Says the idiot Trumpanzee. Trump wouldn't know the truth if it bit him in the ass, thats why he calls fake news on everything being it brings his high level of incompetence into light...


Even with all this crap still better than CNN,MSNBC and all oter fake news machines.

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