Hot Romanian Girl Takes Kirk Cameron's Book Video Apart

I like her. And not just because she's hot!

Taking apart this video:

I laughed my ass off when she said 'Horse Shit.' I'm not entirely sure why.

One thing that gets my goat with every Intelligent Design person is the 'no transitional fossils.' They are either to stupid to realize every fossil is a transitional fossil or just plus their ears and go 'la la la la' because they just don't want to deal in 'facts'.


She's not hot, she's smart. And although her delivery leaves much to be desired, it's a definite upvote for the BURRRRRRRRRN

I wonder what's the ankh on her neck for though.


>> ^EDD:
She's not hot, she's smart. And although her delivery leaves much to be desired, it's a definite upvote for the BURRRRRRRRRN
I wonder what's the ankh on her neck for though.

The Ankh is merely an Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol for "life", sometimes "eternal life", but somehow I don't think she means that.


>> ^EDD:
She's not hot, she's smart. And although her delivery leaves much to be desired, it's a definite upvote for the BURRRRRRRRRN
I wonder what's the ankh on her neck for though.

The ankh on her neck is a relic of her childhood, she explained that in a video some time back. Starting at about 2:30 into the tag video at

In short it's an Egyptian symbol of life and she had a dream about it when she was a kid then saw one and bought it, she's worn it ever since.

Someone else, Drachen_Jager, asked "What's with the fake film grain and scratches look though?"

It's not fake, she's actually from and in Romania and her equipment really sucks that badly. I've been surprised for a while that one of her fans didn't just send her a new one, but either they haven't or she has some pride and doesn't want it. Most of her videos are like that though.


I do not have any privileges so I have to voice my disturbance here. I try to post alot of vids and it is claimed they are not embedded yet so I go though the course of drunken typing to portray my message, and it does not show up. Too often, it is far too often. Oh and IV, women are over rated. They cost too much...

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