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dystopianfuturetodaysays...How *cute.
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Cute) - requested by dystopianfuturetoday.
legacy0100says...LOL hahaha
antsays...Poor hamster!
littledragon_79says...Hopefully nothing bad happened in "take one"...
Yogisays...They need a gear system and a bigger propeller.
carrotsays...The HAMSTERMARINE IV powered by Bessie IV.
rgroom1says..."The major difference between steam power and hamster power is that you don't have to shovel hamsters into a furnace."
skinnydaddy1says...Oh god oh god they keep dumping me in the water! Jesus, I keep running and running and not getting anywhere!
Shepppardsays...Wait.. wait what happened in hamster sub take 1?
bamdrewsays...I hope this isn't to recreate WWII ocean battle... using M80 firecrackers as depth charge
mxxconsays...>> ^rgroom1:
"The major difference between steam power and hamster power is that you don't have to shovel hamsters into a furnace."
so otherwise you would shovel steam into the furnace?
CheshireSmilesays...i'm glad they clarified where those bubbles were coming from, cuz that's honestly what i was thinking was happening.
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