Gold Digger Prank!

(youtube) So I went out to film how to pick up girls...but Roman,Dennis and I decided to do a little twist..the video speaks for it self check it :)

I have been rigorously studying this video for the past 8 weeks and my findings are as such:

"This mad stupid* yo."

IN CONCLUSION! This guy's a slime douche to the max and this video, while seemingly appearing accurate enough to some on the grounds of the basest, most low hanging fruit-esque generalizing sweep of cliched male-female interactions one might come across in various U.S. coastal cities, this run-on sentence is actually a quicksand trap of words and why are you still reading it? Care to guess how many Artax's I've caught and consumed with a sentence like the one above?

Just one. Artax, baby jesus de christo rest his equine spirit, was a one of a kind! One of a kind.

How does garbagio like this make it to top 5? I mean, come on!

*Stupid bad, not stupid cool.

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