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God - What Difference Does it Make?

Connecticut Forum panelists Rabbi & best-selling author Harold Kushner, Christopher Hitchens and Peter Gomes, a Reverend Professor at Harvard, respond to the question, "What difference does it make if there is a god?"

>> ^thinker247:
I wish I could have heard Hitchens' response to that golden nugget.
>> ^chilaxe:
"I'm neither brave enough or smart enough to function in a universe without a God construct."

You may not have heard it, but he certainly showed it with his raised eyebrow and nod at the end. I may be putting words in his mouth, but what I heard from that gesture is "At least you said it and not me."


That's funny smooman, even though I respect him a lot I usually (not this video) think Hitchens sounds more condescending, pompous and mean spirited, whereas Dawkins is always calm, patient and careful in giving his views.


>> ^quantumushroom:
Hitchens got owned.

While poetic, I don't necessarily know that qualifies as being owned. Hitchens certainly wouldn't see an admission of weakness as being owned. Was it honest? Yes. Was it from the heart? Yes; though I could wholeheartedly say the same for my inability to accept the existence of God: I simply cannot live happily lying to myself so blatantly.

So we come to this crossroad where the only good defence is being honest about your intellectual dishonesty? If anything, this is more reason to separate such belief from government and education. This is religion at its most basic level; and the path that, in fact, led me to my current agnosticism -- Religion as a vice. And while I wouldn't dream of thinking I am above any vice (including self-deception), I know when I'm lying to myself, and I would never presume to imagine this type of game to hold any intellectual integrity. God is an antidepressant, it seems. /shrug


At least there were no accusations or histrionics in this debate. It is refreshing to see a debate on religion that does not reduce itself to, "OH YEAH? YOU'RE SELF-DELUSIONAL!" "OH YEAH, YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!"

Grown men talking as grown men should talk. If only we could see more examples of this in our daily life the world would be a better place.


I want there to be a God.. because I 'feel better' about it. So as a result I want God to be real, so I will believe in 'him'. So 'I can't conceive' of a world without God, and as a result I willfully believe that 'he' cannot 'conceive' of a world without me. Because 'I' am special, and believing in God makes me feel great about 'myself' and my 'unique' place within Christendom... of course, there is no life beyond existence here on Earth.. because we are it. We are the center of all things in the universe and are special. Though if there were aliens, they'd have Jesus as their savior too. Most certainly. If they didn't I'd most certainly push Jesus on them when they arrived, so they would no longer live in their immoral unguided space faring far greatly advanced civilization above and beyond ours. Such sad poor forsaken individuals they would most certainly be.

Hitchens owned them in his straight, forward, simple, logical statement.

Religion is dumb. Sure it makes you feel good about yourself and gives a wonderful false sense of security. But whatever. If it makes people feel secure and keeps them out of my business. Fine. But the moment they start legislating their religiousness, I am stepping in and putting them in their seats for a big piece of reality pie.


The Reverend summed up very nicely why religion exists, it is, has, and always will be, about making people feel better about their place in the world, and their fear of what happens when they die. That's it.

If that was all it was, if all it did was make people feel nicer about their place in the grand scheme of things, then no-one would have an issue with it.


The issues come about from:
* Religious people doing their damnedest to stop others show that what they believe in is false, because if they are shown that it is false, then they have to be scared again.
* Religious people attacking and fighting based on trying to stop other religious people who believe in another set of fantasies. Because if there are another set of fantasies that are just as valid as theirs, and are based on just as much 'proof' then who's to say who's right, and who's wrong? Easier to accept your delusion if there are no other competing delusions.

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