Full auto Gauss machine gun firing slugs into a laptop.



☚☚(from a 1930's Popular Mechanics article, a gauss gun)
Chances are good, that if there was a practical application for the military as a personal combat weapon, it would already be here. Wait for tinier more powerful batteries maybe? But by that time, a walking DarpaBot with a minigun and grenade launcher will have replaced puny human infantry fleshbots..


How many years till this technology has real world military application?


I wonder how much of these efforts were fueled by the need to violently murder that Dell laptop.

I've used one at work for three years, I know the feeling.


The question with all these things is what advantage would it have over current military technology (i.e. firearms)?

While that was cool, it wasn't very powerful. Most of the slugs didn't even penetrate the laptop screen. Pretty sure even the "weakest" handgun would manage that.


How many years till this technology has real world military application?


Ideally, a railgun would eliminate recoil, muzzle flash and noise, making it more effective for sniping.

The problem is that getting the railgun to fire bullets faster than combustion-based weapons requires a lot of electricity.

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