French pilot has brown flightsuit moment

I'm sure he meant to cut it fine, but maybe not quite that fine.

I'm pretty sure he had it well under control and it was quite intentional, just search the internet for the french pilots' videos and you'll see they're not the crappiest bunch =)


It looks a bit more dangerous than it actually is; getting that close to the ground creates a trampoline like effect. Don't get me wrong, you have to be pin point accurate. Hat's off to the guy, he's got big ones.


Don't get me wrong guys, I'm sure he didn't spend the next week crying into his blankie, but I think this may be one of those "finding the limit" moments where you make a mental note not to go that close again. As sillma points out, these French pilots seem to have a bit of a penchant for low passes, so it's pretty obvious that the move in general was no mistake.

Yoghurt - Clearly the roll was to shake his enormous balls back out from where they had sharply retracted moments earlier


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