FOX removes laughs during Obama's SOTU, adds crickets

What a bunch of children. It's disgusting.

The One with Highspeed rails bit

The One with Salmon bit

Maybe you just don't get the jokes you disrespectful twits. But don't feel bad, I feel the same when I read the 100's of dumb-ass conservative "jokes" that my mother gets emailed from her crusty, "conservative", religious, nut-job, "friends" (and yes I read my mother's email sometimes... (but only while doing tech support for her ).


While the cricket noise is childish and's fox"news". What I can't believe is that our president would make a joke out of TSA pat-downs. Because the loss of freedom is soo damn funny.


*Except for bojebees who apparently is more offended at the president addressing the TSA pat-downs in a way he doesn't like (but still on the most public forum in the country) than his country's inevitable descent into madness by the hijacking of journalism for political obfuscation*


Why get yourself all workup about it? Think about what you are getting upset about.

That is why you liberals are so easy to rile up... This is exactly what Fox wants you to feel... They want to piss you off and get you upset. They are laughing at you for getting so upset.

Ignore it.


"Why get yourself all workup about it? Think about what you are getting upset about.

That is why you liberals are so easy to rile up... This is exactly what Fox wants you to feel... They want to piss you off and get you upset. They are laughing at you for getting so upset.

Ignore it."

So 'getting riled' up when a national 'news' organization manufactures blatant lies is a character flaw of liberals?

Not getting 'riled up' enough led to the lack of scrutiny that allowed G.W. Bush to prosecute his illegal war without the consent of Congress.


I'm sure you don't think it's funny for our President to joke about the loss of more freedom?...Besides, he didn't "address" the pat-downs, he attempted to make a joke about what all of us (the little people) are having to endure. Even in the name of safety, what the TSA is doing is wrong. How many more of our freedoms are we willing to surrender under the guise of safety? It'd be one thing if the TSA was effective...But they aren't, they are simply an illusion of security. In addition to that, part of being "free" is having the right to travel in the US without showing ID or being subjected to pat-downs, body scans, etc. without reason.

Journalism was hijacked long ago. Its advent came before CNN, Fox News or MSNBC. But it's gotten so bad I worry we will never truly know where the truth might be hiding. I used to think if I read enough from as many sources as possible, that I could kind of point in the general direction of truth, but the fog's getting thicker each year.

The descent into madness is unfortunately, for many, unavoidable. You either buy the BS or you don't. In the meantime, I'd prefer our President to joke about salmon (which was kinda funny) and not the decline of our personal freedoms. Feeling this way shouldn't be seen as a left or right thing, but a human thing. >> ^cosmovitelli:

Except for bojebees who apparently is more offended at the president addressing the TSA pat-downs in a way he doesn't like (but still on the most public forum in the country) than his country's inevitable descent into madness by the hijacking of journalism for political obfuscation


I find it interesting that, other than the fact that this show passes itself off as news and the Daily Show passes itself off as a comedy program, there is essentially no difference between what this show is doing in this particular clip and what the Daily Show does on a regular basis.

Well, I suppose there's one other difference: that the folks who watch Daily Show consider it their source of news, while the people watching this consider this a real source of news. I wonder who's better informed?

or maybe that's no difference at all.


>> ^Trancecoach:

I find it interesting that, other than the fact that this show passes itself off as news and the Daily Show passes itself off as a comedy program, there is essentially no difference between what this show is doing in this particular clip and what the Daily Show does on a regular basis.
Well, I suppose there's one other difference: that the folks who watch Daily Show consider it their source of news, while the people watching this consider this a real source of news. I wonder who's better informed?
or maybe that's no difference at all.

A lot of people consider TDS a credible news source.


I think it upsets people to be reminded that Fox News is unabashedly politically biased while repeating the 'Fair and Balanced' trademark. On the other hand, if the next joke was at Boehner's expense...
>> ^ipfreely:

Why get yourself all workup about it? Think about what you are getting upset about.
That is why you liberals are so easy to rile up... This is exactly what Fox wants you to feel... They want to piss you off and get you upset. They are laughing at you for getting so upset.
Ignore it.

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