Christopher Jordan Dorner was fired in 2009 for reporting a fellow's officer abuse of a disabled suspect when Internal Affairs decided he was lying.
In Irvine, CA in Feb 2013 he
assassinated an engaged couple, Keith Lawrence and Monica Quan, daughter of the police captain who played a role in Dorner's dismissal from the LAPD.
He has vowed revenge against all LAPD officers until his name is cleared. He has gotten into fire fights with on-duty officers, but escaped and is still at large.
It seems to be very under-reported that officers shot up a truck containing an innocent mother and daughter because the vehicle was "similar" to Dorner's, despite it being a totally different make and color than the suspect vehicle. And even if it was identical, you can't just fire on random people FFS.
lucky760I know it probably shouldn't, but this story feels a bit more "real" to me because it hits so close to home. That couple was murdered in the city where I live and down the street from where I work.
It's kind of like that video where the guy was filming the police chase on TV, then he looked up through his windows as the pursuit drove past his home.
These kinds of violent attacks are becoming so commonplace that they can affect you no matter where you live... kind of the pigeonhole principle.
lucky760*promote because this is a pretty big news story and I hadn't heard about it until today, so I'm guessing it's flying under a lot of folks' radars.
siftbotSelf promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Friday, February 8th, 2013 12:24pm PST - promote requested by original submitter lucky760.
YogiI would ref at UCI all the time, yeah it does literally hit closer to home when these things happen.
My concern also rests with the police and how they seem to be trigger-happily handling this situation. Opening fire on random people is completely stupid and I don't see how they aren't pulled off the streets immediately.
I know it probably shouldn't, but this story feels a bit more "real" to me because it hits so close to home. That couple was murdered in the city where I live and down the street from where I work.
It's kind of like that video where the guy was filming the police chase on TV, then he looked up through his windows as the pursuit drove past his home.
These kinds of violent attacks are becoming so commonplace that they can affect you no matter where you live... kind of the pigeonhole principle.
articianI have zero sympathy for the cops involved. They engage in police brutality often enough to be described as "daily", I have friends in the LAPD, and lived there long enough as a white american male to know that everyone there, if not guilty of abuse themselves, is guilty of turning a blind eye to it on that same daily-basis.
I feel horribly for the people who had nothing to do with it, but when you establish and support a morally-corrupted organization for so long, no one should be surprised or offended when someone finally breaks and flips the fuck out.
chingaleraThey probably got suspended for that, they just don't bother reporting everything for obvious reasons, L.A.'s stigmatic history of her police force notwithstanding.
The illusion that these things happen everyday is only exacerbated by national and local, nightly newscasts. They want you to be afraid, so you will agree to their solutions to the "problem."
Gun culture or no gun culture, the chaos we're seeing is symptomatic of civilization-on-the-skids, in general.
If we had no guns, neurotics and burn-outs, the developmentally-disabled, off-the-charts hind-brainers, and morally and ethically bankrupt peeps would do it with clubs and knives and pointy, fucking sticks.
Wait until China fully rears her socially-inept neurotics upon the world as they suddenly become a power-player in the world economy-You think this shit is crazy??! Try a quarter of the world still 10 centuries behind a good portion of the world's population socio-culturally suddenly everywhere and anywhere. A wise man would teach his children some Mandarin phrases YESTERDAY!
I would ref at UCI all the time, yeah it does literally hit closer to home when these things happen.
My concern also rests with the police and how they seem to be trigger-happily handling this situation. Opening fire on random people is completely stupid and I don't see how they aren't pulled off the streets immediately.
YogiI sense great fear in you. My nephews and nieces go to China school every Saturday and speak Mandarin almost fluently. China isn't going to be as much of a power player as people who are scared really believe, the way it's going to pan out is 3 blocks of economic power. China won't be a separate block it's lumped in with Asia, Europe is one and the US is another. The US is weaker but not significantly and the real threat from China is that they're not scared of us.
See when we tell Germany, or France to back off somewhere they do it, because they don't want to fuck with us. However China has been around for 3,000 years...they don't have this nervousness about them so they invest where they want and we complain about it.
Chingalera, quit being so fucking scared of everything and do your homework!
They probably got suspended for that, they just don;t bother reporting everything for obvious reasons.
The illusion that these things happen everyday are only exacerbated by local, nightly newscasts. They want you to be afraid, so you will agree to their solutions to the "problem."
Gun culture or no gun culture, the chaos we're seeing is symptomatic of civilization-on-the-skids, in general.
If we had no guns, neurotics and burn-outs, the developmentally-disabled, off-the-charts hind-brainers, and morally and ethically bankrupt peeps would do it with clubs and knives and pointy fucking sticks.
Wait until China fully rears her socially-inept neurotics upon the world as they suddenly become a power-player in the world economy-You think this shit is crazy??! Try a quarter of the world still 10 centuries behind a good portion of the world's population suddenly everywhere and anywhere. A wise man would teach his children some Mandarin phrases YESTERDAY!
chingaleraNot sayin' I'm scared of the Chinese, their culture is richer and far more interesting than many. I'm talking about integration and transition of geographical locale as the result of en-mass economic growth coupled with NO sense of culture or history here because we're programmed to forget events leading up to the "NOW" by the criminals in charge.
Culture shock in a country already fucked 8-ways from Sunday socially, like the U.S. with the Hispanic population here being used as pawns in politics to craft agendas that best suit the 1% of the fucking world, whom commoners (landless peasants) seldom interact with anyhow.
I do fear the surveillance future, the privatized security future, and the pay-for-everything including air future, because I'll have to fucking live in it after having watched this slow-train-wreck for 45 years without having to wonder if I am wandering into the shit, that is the system.
Talk about shock, my kids are gonna be watched by drones with pinrods working for the government looking at the monitor. Not the world I envision for anyone, much less my kin.
Stop being so fucking scared....JEEEZ! How about, terrified for the future of civilization and at the same time not giving a fuck because it is what it is?
Yer right....Maybe I need to lay off the thinking and just get laid er sumpthin...maybe volunteer down at the children's hospital, get some real perspective on living in the now.
I sense great fear in you. My nephews and nieces go to China school every Saturday and speak Mandarin almost fluently. China isn't going to be as much of a power player as people who are scared really believe, the way it's going to pan out is 3 blocks of economic power. China won't be a separate block it's lumped in with Asia, Europe is one and the US is another. The US is weaker but not significantly and the real threat from China is that they're not scared of us.
See when we tell Germany, or France to back off somewhere they do it, because they don't want to fuck with us. However China has been around for 3,000 years...they don't have this nervousness about them so they invest where they want and we complain about it.
Chingalera, quit being so fucking scared of everything and do your homework!
nockThis is personal for the police. The LAPD actually shot up 2 different vehicles yesterday because they looked like the Dorner's. The LAPD Chief said, "This is a case of mistaken identity." He's either retarded or has a sense of humor because they shot 2 Hispanic women, one of which is 71 years old - they clearly do not look like a 300 lb black man. In my opinion, Dorner will be killed even if he surrenders and it will be covered up. Street "justice".
braindonutsays...The fact that they accidentally murdered someone is absolutely disgusting. And the fact that the coverage just glazed over it is even more disgusting.
chingaleraExpected. Right now the most important part of this story is that a crazy person is out shooting cops with assorted weapons and tactics. At least they keep the spin going by reminding people every time that is was in fact, a former L.A.P.D. officer and not another plea for banning 64-0z-Cokes or Hi-Cap clips, starring some kid that got off/on/off/on his meds, stole his equally as cracked mother's guns, and shot up the children of extremely rich white people.
The fact that they accidentally murdered someone is absolutely disgusting. And the fact that the coverage just glazed over it is even more disgusting.
MonkeySpanksays...Damn, didn't know so many sifters were from SoCal.
Santa Monica denizen here!
charliemsays...3 word name......SERIOUSLY!?!?
legacy0100How did this discussion go from LAPD corruption to Chinese economic dominance? Oh you guys...
Just by looking at this report I see symptoms of a cult. It seems the LAPD is more about keeping the team than protecting civilians. It's understandable seeing how crazy and fucked up the streets of LA can be. You do have to stick to one another, but not at the expense of civilians whom you are all sworn to protect and getting paid from.
Also, blasting away at innocent civilians seem bat shit crazy. Hearing this report and seeing how the police chief brush it off like it's nothing makes me sick to my stomach.
LAPD is a rogue organization at this point. They are fixing their own judge rulings and making their own rules. This is some serious shit.
Open firing on a random vehicle is something you'd hear about in Iraq or Afghanistan field reports. It's an indication of how paranoid and unprepared these officers are. I'm not saying that the job is easy. Hell I wouldn't do what they do in a day in a million years. Obviously it's a warzone down there and the stress is taking its toll on the officers. But letting this go on and accepting as 'normal' is completely unacceptable.
YogiThis is how I see it as well. There's also reporting of it in the news as some people talking about Dorner as sort of a folk hero vigilante. I don't see that as people loving psychos, I see it as evil fighting against evil and that's horrible. People shouldn't see their police department as a threat, yet in LA they certainly do.
I don't expect it to be addressed but I sincerely hope it will in some form or another. Someone could at least ask a question of the Chief of Police about his departments hatred within the community it supposedly protects. There's plenty of documentation on it, yet it's never asked.
How did this discussion go from LAPD corruption to Chinese economic dominance? Oh you guys...
Just by looking at this report I see symptoms of a cult. It seems the LAPD is more about keeping the team than protecting civilians. It's understandable seeing how crazy and fucked up the streets of LA can be. You do have to stick to one another, but not at the expense of civilians whom you are all sworn to protect and getting paid from.
Also, blasting away at innocent civilians seem bat shit crazy. Hearing this report and seeing how the police chief brush it off like it's nothing makes me sick to my stomach.
LAPD is a rogue organization at this point. They are fixing their own judge rulings and making their own rules. This is some serious shit.
Open firing on a random vehicle is something you'd hear about in Iraq or Afghanistan field reports. It's an indication of how paranoid and unprepared these officers are. I'm not saying that the job is easy. Hell I wouldn't do what they do in a day in a million years. Obviously it's a warzone down there and the stress is taking its toll on the officers. But letting this go on and accepting as 'normal' is completely unacceptable.
cosmovitellisays...Well they have a fifth of the US population. Now EUROPE, actually deciding to operate as a power block... let's just say that at the Olympics at least the US and China combined would make a very distant second..
Europeans kinda think of it as cheating to operate as a continent. But worth thinking about when people get frightened about the future of 'Chinese Power'.
..As for this cupcake he's clearly flipped out. Lives with his mum, lost his job, wife left him.... solipsism beckons..
See when we tell Germany, or France to back off somewhere they do it, because they don't want to fuck with us. However China has been around for 3,000 years..
chingaleraThis is scarier than just some crazy vendetta cop-This guy has had all manner of special training in tactics, scenario, etc. as a Lt. M.P. in the Navy-He's a marksman, both handgun and rifle with handgun expert classification. He's had a few years to plan this, and he's got the cops in a few states, scared shit less. Almost as scary as a Glock-knock-off made in Beijing!
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