Epic Palin Fail during TownHall meeting

She can't answer softball question and goes off script.

This is a great clip for determining who you support. If you thought this was a good answer, you probably think the surge worked, the fundamentals of the economy are strong, and Katrina was handled well by FEMA.

To the rest of us, you just heard someone ask for a list of specific foreign policy credentials, and get an answer that boils down to "I'm qualified, and anyone who tells you otherwise is a member of Obama's campaign making baseless smears against me"...with nary a specific credential mentioned.


I think this was a first:

When asked a question that is to be replied to with specifics, the candidate doesn't answer it at all, then tells the asker that they may ask for specifics - - - -

How is ANYONE that stupid?


She was specific.... she specifically said that SHE has confidence that she'll be ready...

People we are in a LOT of trouble if she and grand-dad go to washington as anthing but tourists...


This woman is highly skilled at giving responses that are not answers. This is a political tactic that is highly valued, and is not in any way an "epic fail". If she were to admit she has no foreign policy experience or knowledge, that would be an epic fail. This is business as usual for America.


The answer was vague but not dodged. She did dodge a foreign policy-relateed question but it was not on this clip. Does anyone have this clip?

I feel the title is misleading.

(Added minutes later): It was wrong for me to downvote (not like you are crying about it). It was a worthy sift. I just wanted to see that later question asked.


What question was she hearing?

Just kidding... this is perfect material for (Vice-)Presidency. She can shut up journalists by giving weird answers, she will endear fellow hockey-moms (and definitely some dads). Who needs fancy complicated politics?


Where was the epic fail? She didn't make any obvious mistakes, just answering with generalities, which is better than Obama, who doesn't answer anything at all when quizzed.

Q: Obama, what is your foreign experience?
A: "You know, did I ever mention the cynicism and pessimism that defines the debate between our side and their side? But I don't believe in taking sides. There's no right and wrong. Only hope, and those who are against hope. Good night."

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