
Well executed short film... feels very 80s Spielberg.

From Vimeo: Details: Science fiction, action adventure, short film to be used as a proof of concept for a larger full-length feature film story. A young boy discovers a deadly alien creature and winds up entangled in a top secret government operation.

great CG, decent kid acting, I would see the full length version if they make one.

Only complaint was the aliens sound design - was way too much like the Predator, which is so iconic, it automatically conveys malevolence. I'd prefer to hear something more original for this creature.


Can't stand kid heroes in media. WTF is the fascination with making dumb little kids seem more important than they are? Oh, wait, they're the malleable minds that watch this kind of crap, and buy the dumb products based on it.


Very impressively done. And that's not including the SFX. The blend of live action with the soundtrack and editing is top notch. Definitely film quality.

I'd say the concept of an alien being hunted on earth by the army might be a little hackneyed but maybe they could spin something on that.


No. Joburg and the followup film were quality filmmaking.
This is terrible, wholely uninspired work that would only be good in a universe where Spielberg didn't exist. I have no idea how anyone can slog through the cliche enough to find any entertainment.


If you're curious how this is going to turn out, see Alive in Joburg.


I actually found District 9 to be nearly unbearable. They had so much to work with given the setting and undertones and they made a corny action movie with a cliched love story stuffed in.

Envoy here, is at least up front about its intentions. Nobody is going to be surprised or disappointed when it turns into ET with fancy CGI violence.


No. Joburg and the followup film were quality filmmaking.
This is terrible, wholely uninspired work that would only be good in a universe where Spielberg didn't exist. I have no idea how anyone can slog through the cliche enough to find any entertainment.


@xxovercastxx I can understand your point, but in terms of unique film making it was head and shoulders above most modern science fiction. I thought he did an amazing job transitioning from a more 'realistic' documentary-style to an action setting, though I would have preferred if it were a bit less of an action flick myself.
I didn't mind the "love" aspect so much simply because, well, it was his wife! If you're own life-partner pushed you away for the insanity of it all, you'd probably pine for her as your only sanctuary as well. But now I'm just making excuses for the whole thing. Overall it wasn't perfect but it was still a shining gem in the genre.
Elysium on the other hand... . guh...

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