Dover Police Kick Man In Head While He Is Complying

Dashcam video of a Dover police man kicks a suspect in the head as he compiles with instructions to get on the ground, knocking him out and breaking his jaw. Apparently from 2 years ago, coming to light now thanks to an ACLU lawsuit on behalf of the victim, and new charges being presented to a second grand jury which indicted him (the first did not). The officer is now free on bail and on unpaid leave pending resolution.
More info here...

I'm confused....are you saying you feel if they THINK you have a gun, they can punt you in the face and break your jaw even if you are complying with their orders? Because he WAS complying with their orders and getting on the ground when he was kicked in the face, and cops can always say they THINK you had a gun, then act violently with impunity.
The radio repeatedly said the man with the gun has a yellow shirt and a hat, this guy has a white shirt and yellow hat, so he doesn't fit the multiple clear descriptions. Why would they think 'the dude had a gun'?
I also note, that was the SECOND time that officer kicked him, the first time was as he tells him for the first time to 'get on the ground' while kicking the suspects legs while the suspect is complying with the original 'get your hands up' command.

Also, they lied about the suspect and falsely charged him with multiple crimes, as noted here....
"The incident occurred at a gas station on U.S. 13. Lateef Dickerson, 30, of Dover, was originally charged with assault, theft and resisting arrest, but those charges later were dropped." Surprise, he apparently also did not have a gun at all!

On top of that, this is the official police statement where they are saying the officer did nothing wrong...
"As the man was in the process of getting on the ground he was kicked in the head once by Webster rendering him unconscious." I can't fathom how they think that's OK, they admit he was complying but kicked him in the face anyway, but that is their position.

They also said "that his actions regarding this incident were outside of Dover Police Department policy and acted accordingly," which seems to mean we know he didn't follow guidelines, and that's just fine (I don't know what else 'acted accordingly' could mean in this case). If they mean to say the department 'acted accordingly', it should be noted that their only reported actions were to give him a paid vacation and a pat on the back.


That is pretty messed up....but you gotta consider the context. They thought the dude had a gun.


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