Don't go to sleep with chocolate next to Kate Beckinsale

Graham says genius. Yes. Yes it is.

I know I wouldn't care and I'm pretty sure I'd let my ex know all about it. But you don't need a practical joker for this. On a family cruise to Mexico they left a new chocolate on your pillow every night and if, like my sister you go to bed very late and very drunk and don't notice the chocolate, then somebody might end up with an incriminating photo of your bed sheets to taunt you with for the rest of your life.


Pretty sure I wouldn't care about chocolate if I was sleeping next to Kate Beckinsale. Umm, don't mention that to my wife.

antjokingly says...

What does your sister look like?


I know I wouldn't care and I'm pretty sure I'd let my ex know all about it. But you don't need a practical joker for this. On a family cruise to Mexico they left a new chocolate on your pillow every night and if, like my sister you go to bed very late and very drunk and don't notice the chocolate, then somebody might end up with an incriminating photo of your bed sheets to taunt you with for the rest of your life.


You had a piece of chocolate shoved up your ass while you were sleeping? Sexual harrassment!!

You had a piece of chocolate shoved up your ass by Kate Beckinsale while you were sleeping? Lucky bastard.

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