David Vaughan Wants to Save the World

This scientist about to retire when he found a way to save the planet. Very cool

We need some long term studies to see how these fast growth corals survive long term, if they still spawn properly, and if their offspring are viable. Too bad we don't have long to get it done.

This is a good thing, and a great guy, but 1000000 corals planted is only about 22 football fields at 1 per sq. ft., not that much. We need around 10000000 of him with 10000000 coral nurseries to make a serious difference. Sadly, there's no way in hell this will make a noticeable difference. It's too little too late. At best, this might save a few small preserves.


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I'm surprised this isn't sponsored by the anti-climate change groups:
"Yes, you may have read that 50% of the great barrier reef is dead, but even if that were the case, it's fine... we can just repopulate it with better stronger coral."

I don't know if I'm joking or not.


Grow it in clean water, throw it in dirty water and expect it to propagate. Good plan. The shit died for a reason. Good luck fixing the fucked up ocean.


That was my immediate take as well. "Don't worry about it old people (in that it's an AARP video), everything's going to be A-OK!"


I'm surprised this isn't sponsored by the anti-climate change groups:
"Yes, you may have read that 50% of the great barrier reef is dead, but even if that were the case, it's fine... we can just repopulate it with better stronger coral."

I don't know if I'm joking or not.

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