Daily Motion Description:
Tigersushi and Excuse My French are pleased to present the new video for DyE's new single, Fantasy. Directed by animation wunderkind Jérémie Périn, the video tells the story of a group of highschool kids ready for teenage mischief. They break into the local swimming pool intending a session of innocent nightswimming, in an awkward climate of romance and apprehension. What happens next is for you to discover here. nsfw.Directed by Jérémie PérinWritten by Laurent Sarfati & Jérémie PérinArtistic Direction by Mikael RobertProduced by Excuse My French / PH & TigersushiExecutive Producer : Constance GuillouProduction Coordinator : Perrine SchwartzCommissioner : Jill Caytan"Fantasy" is taken from the DyE album TAKI 183.
PhreezdrydA lovely Cthulhu mythos inspired anime gives me the warm fuzzies.
SarzySo good. Totally different style from Trucker's Delight -- just as bizarrely awesome. This guy needs to make a feature, stat. *quality
siftbotBoosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by Sarzy.
EMPIREsays...this is at the same time a serious WTF?!? and REALLY good. Two music videos, and both great. The director must be pretty talented.
NicoleBee"An error occured: DailymotionPlayer is not defined at undefined line undefined"

The error message was worth not being able to see this video
EvilDeathBeeThat was fantastic. The French produce some of the best animators
luxury_pieI like happy endings.
siftbotAdding video to channels (Teens) - requested by luxury_pie.
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HugeJerksays...I can't get this video out of my mind... it's just the right amount of disturbing and the song is great.
siftbotAdding video to channels (French) - requested by xxovercastxx.
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siftbot7 more comments have been lost in the ether at this killed duplicate.
siftbotDouble-Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Monday, October 17th, 2011 2:28pm PDT - doublepromote requested by Hybrid.
Jinxsays...My steam avatar is a screencap from part of this just so when people ask me what my avatar is from I have an excuse to link them to it.
oh, and I dig the music.
00Scud00says...This is why I stay home on those nights when the stars are right, at home, under the bed, with a baseball bat.
VidRothsays...Lovecraft + Hentai = WIN!! Fantastic vid...
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