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Craig Ferguson Takes the High Ground

Come for the Funny, stay for the last 5 seconds. Craig not only handily takes care of Leno vs. Conan, but even has a minute left to sweep up Limbaugh vs. Haiti.

If nothing else, also take the opportunity to find out how to send an easy 10 bucks to the relief fund.

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Craig, Ferguson, Conan, Leno, Limbaugh, Leno, Charity' to 'Craig Ferguson, Conan, Leno, Rush Limbaugh, Charity, haiti, red cross, donate' - edited by demon_ix


I like that Ferguson has these reasoned, thoughtful openers from time to time to put things in perspective. I don't watch his show, but he's earned a lot of respect from me just from the few videos I've seen in this vein. He really seems like a very intelligent and genuine guy.


Whenever Ferguson is on when I'm watching TV he is my first choice over all the others. He rarely comes across as just reading a bunch of jokes prepared by a team of writers like Leno, Conan and Letterman


and I don't think he would give that kind of money. Not in a MILLION years

I read somewhere that every year Limbaugh donates to a lymphoma cancer charity to the tune of several hundred thousand every year. Heard he also donates to some education fund for war veterans. No idea what his yearly charitable donation total is, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear it was 7 figures.

Regardless - I've heard the talking heads chattering about Limbaugh's comments, and Fergie probably should have held to his policy of staying out of commentary because the full context of Limbaugh's quote was that he was making fun of an AP article that was saying how fantastic a job Obama was doing with Haiti compared to Bush/Katrina. Supposedly he predicted on Tuesday that the media would be doing this kind of 'compare & contrast' with Bush/Obama, and ding dong there it was a day later. I can see how he might want to take that ball & run with it.


I'm sure Goebbels gave to war veterans too. It doesn't excuse his hateful propaganda against jews.

Limpy used his microphone to harm Haitians, by telling people not to donate in light the tragedy. I can say without hyperbole that that is evil.


Oh Winstonfield. Since when has "I read somewhere" or "Heard he" been enough for you to believe someone else? That's some pretty vague, unconvincing dreck, even for you.

Also, your claim that people shouldn't comment on Limbaugh's statement is wholly unsubstantiated by your rhetoric. His statement that people shouldn't donate to Haiti aid because it plays into the administration's 'humanitarian' appearance is (though related) a separate statement from discussing the comparison between Bush and Obama with respect to responding to human crises. It is certainly reprehensible for Limbaugh to tell people not to donate no matter the 'full context' of his quote. His statement about income tax being your donation is clearly not intended to be funny, or him 'making fun of' the AP (in your words.) It's intended to drive a political wedge in the minds of those ignorant, poor, and sad people foolish enough to trust Limbaugh. And it's clear Limbaugh doesn't care about the direct consequences of his political action (in this case, that Haiti gets less aid.)

Besides, your and Limbaugh's claim that Obama is doing it just so that news outlets _say_ he's better than Bush is specious at best. It's clear that among the reasons Obama and his administration would choose to help a poor nation ravaged by one of the worst natural disasters in recent history, aside from those purely humanitarian, is that doing so actually _makes_ them better than the Bush administration.

I was also going to say that I didn't really think Katrina and Haiti were a good comparison because one is a domestic failure and one is a foreign aid venture but really they do strike a similar chord so I think the comparison is at least somewhat valid.

So Winstonfield, have you donated to the Haiti cause?


Yeah, I don't know. The Haiti thing aside, I'm unsure about someone inside the late night tent pretending he's not interested in the goings on of late night. He cares, it's big news. It's not Haiti Big News, but for the middle-aged men in late night, it's big. At least the other hosts are being honest in going on about it.


Since when has "I read somewhere" or "Heard he" been enough for you to believe someone else?

Well if you can trust Wikipedia. I tend to frame what I hear on Wiki as 'I've heard' because some of it is trustworthy and some isn't. But this seems legit enough. Seems he gave at least 400,000 last year of his own cash.

As for the other stuff - I've looked around and I can find no substantiation to the claim that Limbaugh said, "Do not donate." That appears to be a very 'out of context' comment where he said, "If you're going to donate do it outside the government." The comment he made in no way appears to tell people not to donate to Haiti. He appears to have said, "The government won't do a good job, so if you want to donate then do it some other way." He also went on to say that our taxes already paid for whatever money the US is donating (true), and that people who donate would probably end up on a White House mailing list. But I can't find anywhere he said "Don't donate". That is what seems to be a typical misrepresentation.

Now granted, Limbaugh must know that this sort of stuff is going to happen so you think he'd be better about choosing his words - but with Media Matters & other lib places constantly waiting for quotes to lift out of context (and 15 hours a week of talk to winnow) it must be next to impossible to avoid controversy.

And Obama is doing a good job compared to Bush? Pht. The reports indicate roving gangs, violence, starvation, piled corpses, doctors fleeing for safety, unrest, fear, and death. And WHERE exactly is Obama today? In Massachusetts trying to save the Democrat senate seat of Kennedy from going to a Republican. With all the harping on "Where was Bush? Why wasn't here there for a few days? Why did it take so long?" it is more than fair to level the same accusations at Obama as were being leveled at Bush. The Democrats & liberals were the ones to start this game of politicizing disasters and death. How exactly is it fair to harp on Bush for being insensitive when his delays were caused by local Democrat political incompetence, but Obama's delays because of his focus on a single Senate seat is not fair?

And yes - I donated to Haiti through a private organization (the smartest way to donate). Did YOU?


>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
Since when has "I read somewhere" or "Heard he" been enough for you to believe someone else?
Well if you can trust Wikipedia. I tend to frame what I hear on Wiki as 'I've heard' because some of it is trustworthy and some isn't. But this seems legit enough. Seems he gave at least 400,000 last year of his own cash....<SNIP> And yes - I donated to Haiti through a private organization (the smartest way to donate). Did YOU?

Nah, I'm sure nobody did. You're clearly a better man than I and everyone else who reads your post eh?

Rush Limbaugh is a racist; condemning or quoting Wikipedia won't change that. Good try though. Regardless of if this quote is true or not the point still stands that NOBODY should listen to Limbaugh about anything, and the fact that people do is a testament to how sick this country is. Perhaps tomorrow you can come back and tell us that Stalin killed his people because he loved them too much.


Donate to doctors without borders. They've been operating low cost clinics in Haiti for years. In my experience with Katrina relief, the red cross is a joke of a bureaucratic nightmare. They were called "Bologna Mobiles" because they had truck loads of bologna sandwiches which they wouldn't hand out for the week following the storm because paperwork hadn't cleared. So yea, don't do the text message thing, check out D w/o B.

p.s. My good friend and coworker lost his father in the quake.

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