Cows Stranded After New Zealand 7.8 Earthquake

Who's gonna go get them down and milk those things?

Um.....comedy? Not to me....or those cows I would bet. I hope someone goes out with a bobcat and makes a ramp for them or airlifts them out before they fall off that cliff. Poor guys.
Not exactly pets either, but there's no livestock tag.


Yeah so, a couple of things.
1. It was a 7.5

2. as someone who lived through it, and had to be evacuated because of a tsunami warning at 2am, trust me.... it really wasn't that funny.

*nochannel *nature *fear *downunder

Also, cows aren't pets.


Um.....comedy? Not to me....or those cows I would bet. I hope someone goes out with a bobcat and makes a ramp for them or airlifts them out before they fall off that cliff. Poor guys.
Not exactly pets either, but there's no livestock tag.


The site you linked to looks to be the best authority for data on the quake. They don't mention anywhere which scale they use. I doubt they would still be using the Richter scale, but it is a possibility. The quake very well could be 7.5Mw and the USGS is using less accurate data/modals to arrive at 7.8Mw.


After further investigating I don't think GeoNet has a clue which scale they use. On their history page they alternate using Mw,Ml,Ms.

using Ms value as M

using Mw value as M

using Ml value as M

Would be nice if they would state and be consistent on which scale they use for magnitude. The Eiffel tower is both 276 and 302 tall.


I hadn't even listened to that! (I don't watch tv news as a rule)

That's freakin' hilarious.


What on earth is with the action-suspense drum music during that news report lol. What an exciting place to live

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