Confronting Strangers with Personal Information - Experiment

(youtube) Using the power of Social Media, I FREAKED PEOPLE OUT by making them think I knew personal information about them!

I'm pretty clueless when it comes to social media things. How do you find a person on the street and connect them to their information? Starting with nothing. He mentions something about locations but how does that work?


It's commonplace nowadays for Twitter, Facebook, etc. to also report your geographic location (latitude and longitude) along with the post so you can share with "your friends" where you were when you posted. Of course, you can disable sharing your location and also limit who sees your posts altogether, but it's becoming more and more common, especially for younger people, to be so unconcerned about sharing their posts and physical location with the world.


I'm pretty clueless when it comes to social media things. How do you find a person on the street and connect them to their information? Starting with nothing. He mentions something about locations but how does that work?


Here's one for the sift: Because I sent an email from an address I had used as an alias on this site to my ex-wife's mother trying to track down my ex and children who, in violation of divorce decree, left the state without notifying me....
My ex-mother-in-law (crazy, paranoid academic) lied and said she felt threatened by my inquiry, made some shit up in a police report in King County, Washington and slapped me with a restraining order. For a fucking email, in which I neither threatened them or anyone they knew.

I am arrested for something completely unrelated 5 years later, charged with threatening the lives of policemen (fucking rant about how small their dicks were and their mommy-issues form the back of the cop car) the State of Texas is charging me with felony obstruction, and some intern in the DA's office preparing for the state's case, goes online, finds my alias and LOW AND BEHOLD-The state has in their hands my dossier from Videosift from every time the user had typed ANYTHING derogatory concerning police in general.

Big brother is up your ass and you people without balls and more common sense than myself....ain't got a fucking clue.

Thanks again Lucky, for eliminating those comments on said behalf, even though they have the hard-copy, which, I am told by my atty., would be of no effect either way to peruse
.-Freedom of speech is utter fucking bullshit in the United States of Now-Thanks to all the ineffectual pseudo-intellectual ass-sniffers who thinks republicans or democrats are any sort of concern or problem OR that your participation in their government machine can do anything but enslave you further. Play a losing game and you wake up in chains.

I'm kinna with the Dark Knight Joker at this juncture...Surprise me again with some motherfucking "change", eh??
*Freedom in the form of boots stamping on a human face forever, America.


It's commonplace nowadays for Twitter, Facebook, etc. to also report your geographic location (latitude and longitude) along with the post so you can share with "your friends" where you were when you posted. Of course, you can disable sharing your location and also limit who sees your posts altogether, but it's becoming more and more common, especially for younger people, to be so unconcerned about sharing their posts and physical location with the world.


Most I ever had in my life were traffic tickets and a pot charge. a real felon-Cocksuckers. Every fucking complicit one of them. Told my lawyer he seemed like an actual person still, that he might wanna find a more righteous profession than profiteering on misery.


It's not freedom of speech, chingy my's giving us "just enough rope to hang ourselves"

Oh sure, say what you'd like wherever you'd like. But, if you trip up once...or even if you're just being accused of tripping up. Every key you've ever pressed, every recording you've ever left, will be fair game.


Here's one for the sift: Because I sent an email from an address I had used as an alias on this site to my ex-wife's mother trying to track down my ex and children who, in violation of divorce decree, left the state without notifying me....
My ex-mother-in-law (crazy, paranoid academic) lied and said she felt threatened by my inquiry, made some shit up in a police report in King County, Washington and slapped me with a restraining order. For a fucking email, in which I neither threatened them or anyone they knew.

I am arrested for something completely unrelated 5 years later, charged with threatening the lives of policemen (fucking rant about how small their dicks were and their mommy-issues form the back of the cop car) the State of Texas is charging me with felony obstruction, and some intern in the DA's office preparing for the state's case, goes online, finds my alias and LOW AND BEHOLD-The state has in their hands my dossier from Videosift from every time the user had typed ANYTHING derogatory concerning police in general.

Big brother is up your ass and you people without balls and more common sense than myself....ain't got a fucking clue.

Thanks again Lucky, for eliminating those comments on said behalf, even though they have the hard-copy, which, I am told by my atty., would be of no effect either way to peruse
.-Freedom of speech is utter fucking bullshit in the United States of Now-Thanks to all the ineffectual pseudo-intellectual ass-sniffers who thinks republicans or democrats are any sort of concern or problem OR that your participation in their government machine can do anything but enslave you further. Play a losing game and you wake up in chains.

I'm kinna with the Dark Knight Joker at this juncture...Surprise me again with some motherfucking "change", eh??
*Freedom in the form of boots stamping on a human face forever, America.


Freedom is slavery. I mean, for fuck's sake you have ALL the freedoms in the world to enslave yourself with. We must be in a shitty philosophy-Rube-Goldberg machine because all of the obvious dumb shit that we saw coming is happening.

I was taught NOT to be paranoid, which scared the shit out of me. My parents scared the shit out of me by not giving a fuck.

Blame the system, eh? Well, yes, but it's an unthinking machine of cause and effect, filled to the brim with gremlins in our own little kremlin. And it breeds intolerance, depression, guilt, gluttony, greed -- all those things our glorified economists say are actually good.

Oh really? Fuck us in the ass more, master. It feels so good. I love it when you use humanity and then cum on its face. GREED IS GOOD.


Thought Crime-It's What's For Dinner


Adding this to the Big Brother list:

GREED IS GOOD. Miniplenty can slogan it, minitrue can enforce it, and minipax will send our drones with this message. They miniluv us for our freedoms. Slavery is freedom.


It's amazing how clueless the people are about this. Makes me amusingly wonder about the "street psychics" you see sometimes in Las Vegas etc etc etc...Maybe, they're just guys with an assistant using a laptop talking into a microphone feeding to small ear canal speaker LOL...

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