'College Conspiracy' - the full documentary

College education is the largest scam in U.S. history! [/inflation.us]

Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Sunday, May 15th, 2011 5:18pm PDT - promote requested by original submitter blankfist.


Did some calcs. Assuming their calcs of costs of going to college (including tuition, loan interest, and lost income) that $1 million looks more like $540k over a lifetime. Now divide that into 40 years (age 25 to 65) and that comes out to about $13,500 per year, or $1,125 per month. That essentially dials down to $280 a week gross income. So that's how much your indentured servitude is worth? $7 an hour?


I've quadruple my 401K on an hourly basis...>> ^blankfist:

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
Ron Paul's website says inflation.us is a scam. Uh oh. http://www.dailypaul.com/150565/scam-inflationus
Don't buy gold from these people.

That's not Ron Paul's website. Also, I've invested in a lot of their mining suggestions and I tripled my 401K. Prior to investing with their predictions, I lost a shitload investing in what my parent corporation told me was a good investment.


A libertarian documentary recipe...

Take an idea that everyone can sympathize with (student debt)

add the federal reserve and government funding in relation to such

Note on how both governments and corporations are failing an ideal

Conclude that governments are the problem.

Now multinational corporate banks are the solution to educating the public. Win!

(what is with that horror movie background music)


>> ^ForgedReality:

The ad at the end to sell memberships and silver kind of makes me wanna take the whole thing with a grain of salt...

So true.. MUST GO BUY SOME GOLD AND SILVER so I can join the higher people and gain entry into the promised land after the world economy collapses.

There are some reasonable opinions in this video, but like most one-sided documentaries about important issues, they throw in a load of bullshit too.


>> ^Mazex:

>> ^ForgedReality:
The ad at the end to sell memberships and silver kind of makes me wanna take the whole thing with a grain of salt...

So true.. MUST GO BUY SOME GOLD AND SILVER so I can join the higher people and gain entry into the promised land after the world economy collapses.
There are some reasonable opinions in this video, but like most one-sided documentaries about important issues, they throw in a load of bullshit too.

If all these companies selling gold and silver honestly believed the dollar was going to be worthless soon, why would they be exchanging precious metals for it? Wouldn't they want to keep as much of it as possible for themselves rather than trade it for worthless money?

Making money off of suckers will never go out of style.


the progressive arc of my reactions to this documentary:
yeah..no child left behind is an abomination!
college debt as the new financial bubble..right on!
falsely inflating job demand in order to bolster enrollment,
in order to receive more funding?
oh man..this documentary is going to be GREAT!
buy silver?
ben bernake?whats he doing in this film?
lawyers are the root of all this?
they just work for the bankers,financiers and captains of industry.
buy more silver..
wait...whats goin on?
am i being PUNK'D?

oh god dammit..blankie fucking got me ...again.
thats it!
im taking my toys and going home!
/storms off


This documentary starts with a reasonable, logical premise but devolves into a commercial to buy gold.

Although, it certainly helps blankfist feel better about taking out so many loans to attend clown college.


>> ^enoch:

the progressive arc of my reactions to this documentary:
yeah..no child left behind is an abomination!
college debt as the new financial bubble..right on!
falsely inflating job demand in order to bolster enrollment,
in order to receive more funding?
oh man..this documentary is going to be GREAT!
buy silver?
ben bernake?whats he doing in this film?
lawyers are the root of all this?
they just work for the bankers,financiers and captains of industry.
buy more silver..
wait...whats goin on?
am i being PUNK'D?
oh god dammit..blankie fucking got me ...again.
thats it!
im taking my toys and going home!
/storms off

Ha. Well, I haven't watched the whole thing, to be honest. Though, their site does review sellers of gold and silver, and remember that gold company Glenn Beck was pushing really hard a year or two back? They're called Goldline. NIA basically gave them a bad review of two stars: http://inflation.us/reviews/goldline.html

And their stock suggestions have worked out well for me. But that's mainly because I think it's a good idea to bet against the US dollar, especially now, and their stock suggestions are basically mostly that.


There we have it...how long did you watch? Did you watch up to the parts where I was depressed and upset? Did you watch up to the parts when I get enraged at the system? Did you watch up to the part where I was like "wtf?! This isn't a fucking documentary?!" You should really watch whatever you're posting...at least 80% of it just like I should really watch 100% of something before I start commenting. Egg on both our face...>> ^blankfist:

>> ^enoch:
the progressive arc of my reactions to this documentary:
yeah..no child left behind is an abomination!
college debt as the new financial bubble..right on!
falsely inflating job demand in order to bolster enrollment,
in order to receive more funding?
oh man..this documentary is going to be GREAT!
buy silver?
ben bernake?whats he doing in this film?
lawyers are the root of all this?
they just work for the bankers,financiers and captains of industry.
buy more silver..
wait...whats goin on?
am i being PUNK'D?
oh god dammit..blankie fucking got me ...again.
thats it!
im taking my toys and going home!
/storms off

Ha. Well, I haven't watched the whole thing, to be honest. Though, their site does review sellers of gold and silver, and remember that gold company Glenn Beck was pushing really hard a year or two back? They're called Goldline. NIA basically gave them a bad review of two stars: http://inflation.us/reviews/goldline.html
And their stock suggestions have worked out well for me. But that's mainly because I think it's a good idea to bet against the US dollar, especially now, and their stock suggestions are basically mostly that.


>> ^rottenseed:

There we have it...how long did you watch? Did you watch up to the parts where I was depressed and upset? Did you watch up to the parts when I get enraged at the system? Did you watch up to the part where I was like "wtf?! This isn't a fucking documentary?!" You should really watch whatever you're posting...at least 80% of it just like I should really watch 100% of something before I start commenting. Egg on both our face...

Meh, I maybe watched fifteen minutes. It seemed too heavy handed for me.


>> ^blankfist:

>> ^rottenseed:
There we have it...how long did you watch? Did you watch up to the parts where I was depressed and upset? Did you watch up to the parts when I get enraged at the system? Did you watch up to the part where I was like "wtf?! This isn't a fucking documentary?!" You should really watch whatever you're posting...at least 80% of it just like I should really watch 100% of something before I start commenting. Egg on both our face...

Meh, I maybe watched fifteen minutes. It seemed too heavy handed for me.

haha DAMN YOU! Time troll is a troll!


The horror movie music and THUMP sound effects make me think I'm watching a documentary on the 9/11 hijackers. Very manipulative. Also what's with the interviewer constantly talking while he's interviewing the dentist, that struck me as pretty amateurish. That was about as far as I got.


It's funny how one scam talks about another scam. The NIA is not even on Wikipedia. Great infomercial. Can I scrub this crap from my brain now? Oh wait, I can't and they know that. All I can say is it took way too long for me to realize the glazed over look all cult leaders have when they are trying to part you from your own wits and cash. It would have been worth to time wasted watching this if Glenn Beck popped out a cake at some point.


my 2 yr degree cost about $8k and has been the best investment of a lifetime.. it opened all the doors for me. I wish i had the cliff notes of this presentation.


And here I was, thinking about going back to college because I was tired of being laid off for not having a degree. Thanks Blank, I almost made a huge mistake.


>> ^ForgedReality:

The ad at the end to sell memberships and silver kind of makes me wanna take the whole thing with a grain of salt...

What ad? I was expecting there to be a commercial at the end. There wasn't. They don't sell silver or gold. They also don't sell memberships. They have a free newsletter, and it costs nothing, and they've never asked me for a single penny.


>> ^blankfist:

And their stock suggestions have worked out well for me. But that's mainly because I think it's a good idea to bet against the US dollar, especially now, and their stock suggestions are basically mostly that.

So be specific, how are they saying to bet against the dollar? Buy gold and silver? Buy foreign currency or foreign stocks & bonds?

Which of those have paid off big (you mentioned tripling your 401k)?


>> ^NetRunner:

>> ^blankfist:
And their stock suggestions have worked out well for me. But that's mainly because I think it's a good idea to bet against the US dollar, especially now, and their stock suggestions are basically mostly that.

So be specific, how are they saying to bet against the dollar? Buy gold and silver? Buy foreign currency or foreign stocks & bonds?
Which of those have paid off big (you mentioned tripling your 401k)?

I didn't say they said "bet against the dollar". I said that. They don't sell gold or silver, either. They review companies that do though. And as far as I can tell they're not selling anything.

They have a number of stocks they think will do well as the currency inflates, and so far they've been spot on. Mainly mining companies and the occasional agriculture company. Read on.



>> ^blankfist:

>> ^NetRunner:
>> ^blankfist:
And their stock suggestions have worked out well for me. But that's mainly because I think it's a good idea to bet against the US dollar, especially now, and their stock suggestions are basically mostly that.

So be specific, how are they saying to bet against the dollar? Buy gold and silver? Buy foreign currency or foreign stocks & bonds?
Which of those have paid off big (you mentioned tripling your 401k)?

I didn't say they said "bet against the dollar". I said that. They don't sell gold or silver, either. They review companies that do though. And as far as I can tell they're not selling anything.
They have a number of stocks they think will do well as the currency inflates, and so far they've been spot on. Mainly mining companies and the occasional agriculture company. Read on.

Intro paragraph at that link:

One of our missions at the National Inflation Association is to discover and profile companies that we believe will prosper in an inflationary environment. Typically we will bring to you producing, profitable, Gold and Silver companies with strong balance sheets. We believe these stocks have a chance of becoming some of the best performers of the next decade.

That said, those look like decent enough picks, even if the much ballyhooed hyperinflation never actually arrives. They've got oil, gas, food, tech stocks, even some potash (very trendy) in there, which are mostly bets that global warming is real, the oil is running out, and the developing economies will rapidly increase their demand for food & oil over the next decade. All safe bets!

Though the bulk of it is stock in precious metal traders and miners, and I'm not sure that quite counts as "betting against the dollar" so much as betting that the hysteria about inflation will lead to a boom for gold traders. At least inflation.us knows which side their bread is buttered on.

Assuming these companies themselves aren't scams, they're not setting you up to lose your shirt if Paul Krugman continues to be right, and Peter Schiff continues to be wrong. You might take a hit if/when a Republican reclaims the White House, and all the talk of inflation disappears though.


@blankfist, no, I have it right.

Schiff: If the Stimulus passes, hyperinflation will destroy the country by 2010 at the latest.

Krugman: The economy will be stuck at high unemployment with low inflation for years, despite a 0% interest rate at the Fed.

I apparently just hit my NYT paywall limit for the month, so I don't have a link for Krugman but that's Krugman in a nutshell from the late 2008 through early 2009 period on what we'd see.

I dunno about you, but I don't remember having to take wheelbarrows of cash to buy a loaf of bread last year.



Peter Schiff: The dollar closed weak last year. The inflated dollar is pushing commodity prices up.

Paul Krugman: Make it weaker. Stimulus. More jobs. Yay! I like beards!

The investments are proving correct. And the recession was said to be officially over, but everyone knows it's not. Things are getting a lot worse. Prices are going up, the dollar is going down. Commodity prices continue to go up.


@blankfist, the correct Krugman answers are:

Commodity prices are going up for supply & demand reasons, core inflation and wages are still flat (as are bond interest rates). A weak dollar is how you solve the unemployment problems, just ask Milton Friedman. The problem is that it's going to be hard to get a weak dollar.

Oh, and on the "dollar closed weak", you should go here and hit the 3Y timeframe. That's the dollar index from about when the recession started to now. Would an honest person describe that as a consistent downward trend?

As for recessions and their official end, I haven't seen any economist declare that the official end of the recession meant the economy was A-OK now. Mostly they interpret "end of the recession" as "beginning of recovery", which jives with the metrics the NBER uses to decide those things.

Oh, and this month commodity, oil, and gold prices are down, and the dollar is up: http://money.cnn.com/2011/05/17/markets/oil_gold_selloff/index.htm

And here's Krugman on that topic three days ago, pointing out once again that fluctuations in commodity prices != inflation.


That reminds me, I've got some beautiful waterfront property on the Mississippi that I'm looking to unload fast. You interested in buying it? I'll give you a big 10% discount off of last years selling price. >> ^blankfist:

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
Be careful blankfist, it's generally not a good sign when you google a business and the second auto-complete option adds the word scam.

The second auto-complete option for cesar millan is cesar millan gay.


>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

That reminds me, I've got some beautiful waterfront property on the Mississippi that I'm looking to unload fast. You interested in buying it? I'll give you a big 10% discount off of last years selling price. >> ^blankfist:
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
Be careful blankfist, it's generally not a good sign when you google a business and the second auto-complete option adds the word scam.

The second auto-complete option for cesar millan is cesar millan gay.

What? The stimulus didn't stabilize the economy enough to keep your property value from dropping this year?

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