Car commercial that may make you choke up just a bit


Was there really a commercial in Japan that ran for more than 3 minutes on TV? I'm used to seeing shorter 15-30 second videos in the States. The car commercials that I usually see are unappealing and never have a any sort of positive impact on me. In fact many make me dislike the company for how they are attempting to manipulate the viewer. Not saying i'd be more inclined to buy a Toyota after watching this but i payed attention and i enjoyed it. So i guess they succeeded with me in some way.


Video ads are not limited to traditional TV anymore. Ads on YouTube often runs more than 2 minutes. Skippable though.

This one is going for the feels. Whether you like it strictly depends on how cynical a person you are.

My father passed away this February. So this year's Father Day is going to be a little tough, as these type of ads will shows up right after Mother's Day.


Was there really a commercial in Japan that ran for more than 3 minutes on TV? I'm used to seeing shorter 15-30 second videos in the States. The car commercials that I usually see are unappealing and never have a any sort of positive impact on me. In fact many make me dislike the company for how they are attempting to manipulate the viewer. Not saying i'd be more inclined to buy a Toyota after watching this but i payed attention and i enjoyed it. So i guess they succeeded with me in some way.


The people you love have worked their way into your heart and you let them in.

Look for them there. They are a part of you.


My father passed away this February. So this year's Father Day is going to be a little tough,


The nice thing about Slim Jim’s is, it ends up in the toilet and then you get to eat more Slim Jim’s!


I looked….all I saw in mine was a bunch of black stuff and about 50 Slim Jim’s.

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