Barbara Bush gives her opinion of Sarah Palin

The ex-First Lady gives her opinions on Sarah Palin.

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Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Awesome. You can at least say that Palin has put Wasilla on the map, and increased the name recognition among people of the world. A lot of people here in Australia know where Wasilla is now - sure wouldn't have before.>> ^deathcow:

It was Chepos in Wasilla, no pics sorry. Todd Palin held the door for me and Sarah held the door for all of us. She was toting the youngest kid with her.


There's one other person, besides Sarah Palin, who I've ever heard of being from Wasilla, Alaska.
>> ^dag:

Awesome. You can at least say that Palin has put Wasilla on the map, and increased the name recognition among people of the world. A lot of people here in Australia know where Wasilla is now - sure wouldn't have before.>> ^deathcow:
It was Chepos in Wasilla, no pics sorry. Todd Palin held the door for me and Sarah held the door for all of us. She was toting the youngest kid with her.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

I did not know that. Wasilla sure knows how to create some unique individuals. @deathcow can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Wasilla is also the meth capital of Alaska.>> ^Trancecoach:

There's one other person, besides Sarah Palin, who I've ever heard of being from Wasilla, Alaska.
>> ^dag:
Awesome. You can at least say that Palin has put Wasilla on the map, and increased the name recognition among people of the world. A lot of people here in Australia know where Wasilla is now - sure wouldn't have before.>> ^deathcow:
It was Chepos in Wasilla, no pics sorry. Todd Palin held the door for me and Sarah held the door for all of us. She was toting the youngest kid with her.


And they both fuck people for a living.

>> ^Trancecoach:

There's one other person, besides Sarah Palin, who I've ever heard of being from Wasilla, Alaska.
>> ^dag:
Awesome. You can at least say that Palin has put Wasilla on the map, and increased the name recognition among people of the world. A lot of people here in Australia know where Wasilla is now - sure wouldn't have before.>> ^deathcow:
It was Chepos in Wasilla, no pics sorry. Todd Palin held the door for me and Sarah held the door for all of us. She was toting the youngest kid with her.


>> ^quantumushroom:

Oh yeah, these idiots. Thanks for Filth Clinton, wimp!

Eisenhower -- loses a lot of points for authorizing Operation Ajax and other foreign policy blunders.
JFK -- loses major points for that bay of pigs fiasco and Vietnam.
Nixon -- the biggest psychopathic douchebag ever to get himself elected to the presidency.
Ford -- well, at least he appointed John Paul Stevens.
Carter -- At least he had sensible foreign policy, rolling back imperialism. Stagflation was triggered by high oil prices which were caused by OPEC.
Reagan -- ignorant bigot who tripled the debt.
Bill Clinton -- was the best president we've had since Truman. Genuinely cares about helping people as evidenced by what he's done after the presidency, unlike all the recent republican presidents.
George Bush -- Worst president since Andrew Johnson.
Obama -- Pretty lame so far. Keeps trying to play nice and compromise with republicans while they spit in his face and make increasingly extreme demands. Caved in on almost all his campaign promises without even putting up a fight. He should turn the tables -- threaten to veto funds going to the the state/district of any republican who threatens to filibuster good legislation.


In retrospect, Goerge Bush Sr. was a much better president than people give him credit for. That said Clinton was the perfect president to follow him. I think it was a combination of their economic policy that lead to the boom of the last 20 years. People forget Bush had to clean up a lot of the mess that Reagan left behind, especially in his second term.
>> ^KnivesOut:
Clearly George Bush was a RINO.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'barbara bush, sarah palin, cnn, larry king, alaska' to 'barbara bush, sarah palin, cnn, larry king, alaska, supershort' - edited by Kevlar


Eisenhower -- lost to history
JFK -- low taxes, strong national defense. Would be a Republican today.
Nixon -- had the grace to step down. Did not authorize or know about Watergate break-in.
Ford -- RINO who tripped alot.
Carter -- Worst President until You Know Who.
Reagan -- Pride returns to America. Economic boom. Enemies given beat down. Made left look like fools.
Bush 41 -- almost won Iraq War, then didn't. Wimp taxocrats rolled over. "No new taxes." Crucified by pre-internet media/entertainment complex. Now heralded by liberals as he is harmless.
Bill Clinton -- convicted felon. Genuinely cares as shown by million-dollar speaking engagements and cheating on wife. Also, forced himself on women and if they didn't comply, had them fired. I thought liberals protected and cared about the "little guy". Filth only cared about his Little Guy.
Bush 43-- RINO aka "halfservative" who rubber-stamped all spending but still a cause célèbre of liberal apoplexy to this day
Obama -- You Know Who. Clueless, corupt community organizer fools the fools: funny movie premise, not funny in reality.


I recently watched all the popular vids in the Election08 channel. Sarah Palin was a cherished part of what was, by far, the most entertaining election in my lifetime. I recommend going back and re-watching them for a hoot and a holler.

I really really hope she's a part of the 2012 election in some way. Not even kidding.


If we put a NOT chip in your keyboard, your statements will be absolutely right all the time.

>> ^quantumushroom:

Eisenhower -- lost to history
JFK -- low taxes, strong national defense. Would be a Republican today.
Nixon -- had the grace to step down. Did not authorize or know about Watergate break-in.
Ford -- RINO who tripped alot.
Carter -- Worst President until You Know Who.
Reagan -- Pride returns to America. Economic boom. Enemies given beat down. Made left look like fools.
Bush 41 -- almost won Iraq War, then didn't. Wimp taxocrats rolled over. "No new taxes." Crucified by pre-internet media/entertainment complex. Now heralded by liberals as he is harmless.
Bill Clinton -- convicted felon. Genuinely cares as shown by million-dollar speaking engagements and cheating on wife. Also, forced himself on women and if they didn't comply, had them fired. I thought liberals protected and cared about the "little guy". Filth only cared about his Little Guy.
Bush 43-- RINO aka "halfservative" who rubber-stamped all spending but still a cause célèbre of liberal apoplexy to this day
Obama -- You Know Who. Clueless, corupt community organizer fools the fools: funny movie premise, not funny in reality.


There's a chapter in Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them which recounts Franken's encounter with Barbara Bush on a plane. Apparently she's not a very pleasant person.


>> ^timtoner:

There's a chapter in Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them which recounts Franken's encounter with Barbara Bush on a plane. Apparently she's not a very pleasant person.

Yes but Senator Franken recently voted in favor of the COICA bill, which basically allows the U.S. Government to censor the internet.

In short: No one's prefect.


Wow - I think this has to be the FIRST time I've seen the left agree with & praise something BB said. Just goes to show that - like McCain - the leftist media only promotes a conservative when they bad mouth other conservatives.


If we put a NOT chip in your keyboard, your statements will be absolutely right all the time.

Like any good lefty, you're shocked to discover there are other points of view. NOT your fault.

Perfesser Stalin Q. Marx never told you there were any.


>> ^quantumushroom:

Eisenhower -- lost to history
JFK -- low taxes, strong national defense. Would be a Republican today.
Nixon -- had the grace to step down. Did not authorize or know about Watergate break-in.
Ford -- RINO who tripped alot.
Carter -- Worst President until You Know Who.
Reagan -- Pride returns to America. Economic boom. Enemies given beat down. Made left look like fools.
Bush 41 -- almost won Iraq War, then didn't. Wimp taxocrats rolled over. "No new taxes." Crucified by pre-internet media/entertainment complex. Now heralded by liberals as he is harmless.
Bill Clinton -- convicted felon. Genuinely cares as shown by million-dollar speaking engagements and cheating on wife. Also, forced himself on women and if they didn't comply, had them fired. I thought liberals protected and cared about the "little guy". Filth only cared about his Little Guy.
Bush 43-- RINO aka "halfservative" who rubber-stamped all spending but still a cause célèbre of liberal apoplexy to this day
Obama -- You Know Who. Clueless, corupt community organizer fools the fools: funny movie premise, not funny in reality.

You're provably wrong:
JFK -- The top income tax rate was 91% during his entire term. That's higher taxation than even the left wing of the Democratic Party would propose nowadays:
Nixon -- Listen to his tapes, for fuck's sake. He was a psychopathic thug with no respect for the law.
Reagan -- Took credit for things that had nothing to do with him, i.e. the Soviet Union collapsing under its own shitty policies.
Clinton -- For debunking the felony conviction nonsense, check


>> ^quantumushroom:

Eisenhower -- lost to history
JFK -- low taxes, strong national defense. Would be a Republican today.
Nixon -- had the grace to step down. Did not authorize or know about Watergate break-in.
Ford -- RINO who tripped alot.
Carter -- Worst President until You Know Who.
Reagan -- Pride returns to America. Economic boom. Enemies given beat down. Made left look like fools.
Bush 41 -- almost won Iraq War, then didn't. Wimp taxocrats rolled over. "No new taxes." Crucified by pre-internet media/entertainment complex. Now heralded by liberals as he is harmless.
Bill Clinton -- convicted felon. Genuinely cares as shown by million-dollar speaking engagements and cheating on wife. Also, forced himself on women and if they didn't comply, had them fired. I thought liberals protected and cared about the "little guy". Filth only cared about his Little Guy.
Bush 43-- RINO aka "halfservative" who rubber-stamped all spending but still a cause célèbre of liberal apoplexy to this day
Obama -- You Know Who. Clueless, corupt community organizer fools the fools: funny movie premise, not funny in reality.

ROTFL! That's some funny shit.


QM, my friend, I am NOT a lefty. I am a libertarian. I think both Bush and Obama have major flaws. Unfortunately, our bicameral government requires us to choose one of these polarizing extremes. Both parties are worthless in my book, but thank you for judging me so quickly.

I don't disagree with you because of your party alignment; I disagree with you because of your heavily skewed opinion. Your claim so far is that if it is from your party, it must be good/right and if it is not, it's bad. That's a life of a simpleton, regardless of affiliation.

With all due respect,

- MS

>> ^quantumushroom:

If we put a NOT chip in your keyboard, your statements will be absolutely right all the time.

Like any good lefty, you're shocked to discover there are other points of view. NOT your fault.
Perfesser Stalin Q. Marx never told you there were any.

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