Australian Prime Minister Humiliates Pastor

YouTube Description:

This is the difference between America and Australia.

The implication is that an American politician would instead pander to the religious lobby. It's really more of a difference between America and the rest of the developed world.

And you're right, it's not related to the video.


Really curious what is meant by "This is the difference between Australia and America".

Seems really very unrelated to the video.


I think it's fair to assume by "we" he meant Christians, not Australians. If slavery had ever been legal in Australia, and if it had ever been a factor in a conflict here, I'm sure he would have referenced that instead.


You wouldn't have and didn't fight in the US Civil war. Someone should break it to this guy that Australia is in fact, not yet a US State.


Except we ended DADT, and DOMA and are well on our way to becoming a majority union of SSM.

Yes, there are far too many US politicians who will gladly cherry-pick data from various bibles to confirm their twisted definitions of the religion they prescribe to, but sweeping generalizations like "an American politician" are completely uncalled for any many "American politicians" may warrant some congratulatory statements.

Us in the states aren't completely enlightened yet, but to deny our progress could come off as condescending and irrational.


The implication is that an American politician would instead pander to the religious lobby. It's really more of a difference between America and the rest of the developed world.

And you're right, it's not related to the video.


yes, there has been some progress in the US around gay rights, but I think the fundamental difference is that in most of the rest of the 1st world (the UK, Europe, Australia, NZ) politicians generally don't mention their religion. It's considered a private matter.

Whereas in the US, it's almost impossible to get elected without invoking god.


I think the fundamental difference is how politicians in the USpander to religion, even the ones who aren't actively religious. I mean c'mon, we have presidents swearing on the bible and ending speeches with god bless even though it's never required in the constitution and we have a freaking establishment clause right there in the bill of rights.

It certainly wasn't what the founders intended, they were very wary of religion. But hey, thanks to paranoid Joe McCarthy, it's on our money, it replaced our motto, it's everywhere.

we have a ton of politicians who are proud of the idea that they think evolution and climate change are hoaxes

It's starting to change. People who are claiming no religion or atheist/agnostic in America is on the rise, but again We've still got a ways to go before we can make a real push to separate god from gov't.


I think the major difference is in process not necessarily in the substance.

There is absolutely no way that a person would be allowed to stand up and ask that question at a town-hall-syle-debate in a US presidential race. The campaigns choose who has access to the event; the audience members are required to write down their questions beforehand; and the campaigns choose from among those questions to decide which ones can be asked.


What's more frustrating is knowing that in all reality, there are TONS of closet atheists/agnostics out there, maybe enough to even make a majority,

But there's just so much family and peer pressure to not rock the boat that progress is slow.

So as usual, it will be another uphill battle for acceptance. Battle after battle may be lost, but the war will eventually be won.


Tomorrow I'm driving up to Ottawa to the Australian Embassy just to do an oversea's vote. Gotta do my part to try and make sure that cunt Tony Abbott doesn't get in. Unfortunately I hear it's not looking good.

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