Anne Robinson (Weakest Link) Meets Her Match

From Weakest Link (US) primetime episode taped Feb 1st, 2002 and aired Mar 19th, 2003 - Anne Robinson gets verbally destroyed by contestant. [youtube desc]

Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Wednesday, August 17th, 2011 3:57am PDT - promote requested by original submitter Grimm.


Lol, every time she tried a comeback he just owned her better.

[drunken sidenote] What are peoples' opinions on the de-capitalisation of of common internet acronyms such as lol, wtf etc


>> ^acidSpine:

Lol, every time she tried a comeback he just owned her better.
[drunken sidenote] What are peoples' opinions on the de-capitalisation of of common internet acronyms such as lol, wtf etc

I'm for ANYTHING that helps the economy!


>> ^acidSpine:

[drunken sidenote] What are peoples' opinions on the de-capitalisation of of common internet acronyms such as lol, wtf etc

Acronyms are a means of reducing the amount of effort required to convey something, right? Being lazy enough to say lolomgwtfroflwaffle, but interested enough in linguistic convention to capitalize, seems inconsistent. Does that matter? IDGaF


I never understood why she had to be so rude on the show. Ruined it for me. And it's ruined her reputation here in the UK as a TV presenter, as everyone now thinks of her as a sarcastic bitch who ruins game shows by being needlessly antagonistic and hostile towards the contestants instead of a reasoned and intelligent current affairs presenter with a twinkle in her eye, as she was formerly.


>> ^FlowersInHisHair:

I never understood why she had to be so rude on the show. Ruined it for me. And it's ruined her reputation here in the UK as a TV presenter, as everyone now thinks of her as a sarcastic bitch who ruins game shows by being needlessly antagonistic and hostile towards the contestants instead of a reasoned and intelligent current affairs presenter with a twinkle in her eye, as she was formerly.

It's the character in the show, they are meant to be mean...

eg. Aus version (which came out after the US version) has a woman that resembles Anne Robinson in both demeanour and attitude (not to mention red head + stern glasses).
(watch from 2.15)


>> ^Asmo:

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
I never understood why she had to be so rude on the show. Ruined it for me. And it's ruined her reputation here in the UK as a TV presenter, as everyone now thinks of her as a sarcastic bitch who ruins game shows by being needlessly antagonistic and hostile towards the contestants instead of a reasoned and intelligent current affairs presenter with a twinkle in her eye, as she was formerly.

It's the character in the show, they are meant to be mean...
eg. Aus version (which came out after the US version) has a woman that resembles Anne Robinson in both demeanour and attitude (not to mention red head + stern glasses).
(watch from 2.15)
I know that, but you see it was Anne Robinson's idea to present the show this way. She never used to be like this.

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