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siftbotsays...Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Thursday, November 17th, 2011 11:09am PST - promote requested by dystopianfuturetoday.
MycroftHomlzsays...Only in America. And I mean that as a good thing.
My_designjokingly says...Funny I don't see any tear gas or night sticks here. Boring.
IronDwarfsays...>> ^My_design:
Funny I don't see any tear gas or night sticks here. Boring.
Yeah, I was waiting for them to drive-by taser the thing.
nominosays...This would happen in Canada as well. >> ^MycroftHomlz:
Only in America. And I mean that as a good thing.
chilaxesays..."If only we had someone who could out-run a puppy!"
schlubsays...Damn rubber-neckers on the other side...
Asmosays...>> ^chilaxe:
"If only we had someone who could out-run a puppy!"
*huff* "Too" *huff* "many" *huff* "donuts" *huff*
Fletchsays...Cop on motorcycle catches puppy. Amazing?
GenjiKilpatricksays...I think what Mint meant was, an amazingly uncoordinated attempt to save a retarded puppy with a death wish.
"Quick! Let that puppy leave the on-ramp and dash into oncoming traffic for a while!"
>> ^Fletch:
Cop on motorcycle catches puppy. Amazing?
mxxconsays...>> ^nomino:
This would happen in Canada as well. >> ^MycroftHomlz:
Only in America. And I mean that as a good thing.
They have roads in canada?
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