A Modest Proposal - A hip hop rendtion of a 300-year-old political essay about eating babies to solve poverty.


Funny take on a brilliant Swift piece. If anyone hasn't read Swift's "A Modest Proposal" then I suggest you do. It's a great piece of 18th Century political satire.

However, Swift wrote this in reaction to England's treatment of Ireland and its dehumanization of the Irish and the exploitation of her land...and this song doesn't encompass that depth. Swift wrote this in reaction to a pamphlet (I can't recall the name) which reduced the Irish to mere statistics. If you can find the pamphlet that Swift satires, it makes "A Modest Proposal" so much funnier.

So, while I detest rap and am disappointed that these lyrics didn't scratch the surface of Swift's true impetus behind his satire (as so few summaries do) I give props to those boys for being clever little cheeks.



Tags for this video have been changed from 'rap, trick9, modest, proposal' to 'Jonathan Swift, 1729, Poor, Abortions, Rap, Strick9, Satire, Dublin, Modest, Proposal' - edited by deedub81


Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Monday, April 17th, 2006 8:06pm PDT - promote requested by eric3579.


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