A Gentlemen's Duel - an animated short

From Boing Boing:

"In the 8-minute animated short "A Gentleman's Duel," what starts off as a sexist little cartoon about a Frenchman and a Brit vying for the attention and affection of an improbable-breasted bimbo builds up a rapid head of steam as the antagonists climb into their giant Victorian mecha suits and kick the snot out of each other, with a lot of Road Runner-esque funny gracenotes."

Brilliant video... amazing the vids that needs saving around here sometimes, that was just brilliantly made. Oh how I wish there was a higher quality version available... it's hard to make out the details in this. There's a quicktime trailer available here: http://www.blur.com/gentlemans_duel.html that shows how darn nice it will look in high res... anyone? Anyone? Ok... here we go, I've answered my own question, this is substantially better: http://stage6.divx.com/user/vernini/video/1594216/A-Gentlemen's-Duel

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