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SpaceOdditysays...Ron Paul would say "I told you so," but I doubt he's that type of person.
radxsays...I just spent half an hour trying to find this video, because I was sure, 100%, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it had been submitted before, last year. I searched for "Grayson", "Coleman", "Trillion" and "Fed" - nothing, couldn't find it.
Then I double-checked Grayson, this time a detailed search which also includes killed videos. And guess what: I found it. But then I facepalm'ed, because the person who submitted and subsequently killed the video was: me.
How bloody annoying.
I'm going to get a *quality drink now.
siftbotsays...Boosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by radx.
notarobotsays...Video was posted to YT May of '09.
Have been any updates on this story since?
bcglorfsays...What we have here is a failure to communicate. It's clear neither the questions nor responses are being understood by either party. Spectacular display of high ranking officials competing for the title of least competent, over a multi-trillion matter.
This is why political figures are the worst people to be asking and answering these kinds of questions, because they generally don't understand the subject in the first place, and only care about the political implications of the answers.
shagen454says...It's a conspiracy!!
"Could you repeat the question (I lost my train of thought uncomfortably LYING through my teeth)?"
Grayson replies,
So, when am I going to get my free $30,000? Or would that make me just as much of a crook as these corporate tools?
Bradaphrasersays...>> ^shagen454:
It's a conspiracy!!
"Could you repeat the question (I lost my train of thought uncomfortably LYING through my teeth)?"
Grayson replies,
So, when am I going to get my free $30,000? Or would that make me just as much of a crook as these corporate tools?
It would have been noticeably more interesting if he were to go medieval on her ass. As it was, he just repeated simple questions in plain English she should have been able to answer and she was all, "Sorry, I don't know how to word this without making me myself look crooked, so I'm going to pretend I can't understand English."
Raaaghsays...Yeah I thought this was old.
Also, what has Alan Grayson's replacement been up to? A worth replacement?
Trancecoachsays...I guess you can call what the Fed deals with "*money," even though at this point, it's barely a fiat currency, based on electrons on a computer screen and the wealthy few making arbitrage against the millions of fleeced sheeple.. err.. "hard working americans."
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Money) - requested by Trancecoach.
quantumushroomsays...It's wrong to judge others by appearances, but look at these people: subnormal on the left who forgot to take the hanger out of his jacket and Sister Goofus on the right, nodding at the incoherent blather of Stuck-In-The-80s-Hairpoof in the front.
Can't fault dis-grayson on this one.
rottenseedsays...The planets align as we all come into agreement that everybody hates the federal reserve>> ^quantumushroom:
It's wrong to judge others by appearances, but look at these people: subnormal on the left who forgot to take the hanger out of his jacket and Sister Goofus on the right, nodding at the incoherent blather of Stuck-In-The-80s-Hairpoof in the front.
Can't fault dis-grayson on this one. was dick cheney
bamdrewsays...Hey, I'll take a trillion $ if we're just passing that kind of cash out.
Hell, I'd take the $29,315.96 that I'm apparently lending out ($9,000,000,000,000 / 307,000,000 people).
The ending is kind of funny... 'mr. chairman I am shocked... I apologize that my shocked voice sounds like my normal, tired voice, just trust me that I'm very shocked.' report here (its short):
kceaton1says...Now that we have more current info. this whole thing is terrible. But, THIS is what I was thinking after he hits the key question. For a moment I thought he might fly across the room and land a solid uppercut.
>> ^shagen454:
Grayson replies,
Figures were released by the Fed. A few articles available on the inkernet from 1st Dec 2010
bcglorfsays...>> ^bamdrew:
Hey, I'll take a trillion $ if we're just passing that kind of cash out.
Hell, I'd take the $29,315.96 that I'm apparently lending out ($9,000,000,000,000 / 307,000,000 people).
The ending is kind of funny... 'mr. chairman I am shocked... I apologize that my shocked voice sounds like my normal, tired voice, just trust me that I'm very shocked.'
For the record, the fed doesn't just hand out the money it prints. It operates like a typical bank and any money it gives out is handled like a normal loan. If a bank comes to the fed and wants a trillion dollars they don't just automatically get it. They need to convince the fed they are good for such a large loan, generally requiring them to put up their own assets as collateral. From there they STILL are not just handed the money, they are granted a loan for that amount. And the fed will be charging the bank interest on that loan until it pays it back.
I certainly understand the confusion though, as the questioner implied with every question that the money was just being handed over willy nilly and the fed rep just ignored that bent and tried to make sense of the question and how it would relate to what the fed really does. You can tell by her confused expression and pathetic answers that it was the wrong course. Leaving us watching a question and answer session where neither of the participants seems to realize the problem is neither of them are talking about the same thing.
bamdrewsays...I was being facetious, however I disagree that the questioner "implied" that the money was being handed over willy nilly... he directly and repeatedly asked her (presumably a person who would know) whether the bloomberg article (which he described) was indeed accurate, that money was being handed over with poor oversight and documentation.
Call me cynical, but I doubt the woman was ignorant that she was being called there that day to discuss this subject; it appears to me that she is simply answering questions that she would prefer to answer and forcing the gentleman to burn through his time.
>> ^bcglorf:
>> ^bamdrew:
Hey, I'll take a trillion $ if we're just passing that kind of cash out.
Hell, I'd take the $29,315.96 that I'm apparently lending out ($9,000,000,000,000 / 307,000,000 people).
I certainly understand the confusion though, as the questioner implied with every question that the money was just being handed over willy nilly...
quantumushroomsays...I don't think anyone here at the sift understands what the Fed does (I've heard the term "lender of last resort") or why it was created, and I include myself in that assessment. I've tried to read up on it but damn, not even Michael Bay could make it exciting.
>> ^rottenseed:
The planets align as we all come into agreement that everybody hates the federal reserve>> ^quantumushroom:
It's wrong to judge others by appearances, but look at these people: subnormal on the left who forgot to take the hanger out of his jacket and Sister Goofus on the right, nodding at the incoherent blather of Stuck-In-The-80s-Hairpoof in the front.
Can't fault dis-grayson on this one.
JAPRsays...After reading those two news articles, I must say, my America, I am disappoint.
SuperHotbUNZsays...Wonder if she gives good head?
GeeSussFreeKsays..."We left it in our other pants" -The Fed
v1k1n6says...Here lets sum up this video: "Wait did you ask who investigates the investigators? Because at this point I would have to investigate that before determining who that would be at this time, but to do so is not in my jurisdiction, even though it is included in my description of responsibilities."
blankfistsays...>> ^rottenseed:
The planets align as we all come into agreement that everybody hates the federal reserve>> ^quantumushroom:
It's wrong to judge others by appearances, but look at these people: subnormal on the left who forgot to take the hanger out of his jacket and Sister Goofus on the right, nodding at the incoherent blather of Stuck-In-The-80s-Hairpoof in the front.
Can't fault dis-grayson on this one.
And the fiat currency system it rode in on.
Truckchasesays...>> ^quantumushroom:
I don't think anyone here at the sift understands what the Fed does (I've heard the term "lender of last resort") or why it was created, and I include myself in that assessment. I've tried to read up on it but damn, not even Michael Bay could make it exciting.
Try this one: What is Money?
Starts off slow but has good quick pacing after the first minute or so.
Psychologicsays...Just wait until we start nano-manufacturing gold. =P
>> ^blankfist:
And the fiat currency system it rode in on.
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